Even if Bohol Electric Cooperative I (BOHECO-1) can finish fixing its last served lateral lines as planned on April 15, 2022 and even if the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) can restore the ruined power lines that transmit geothermal power from Leyte, some 28,395 households in Bohol will have to wait to get power back as their connections have been totally destroyed as a result of the typhoon.
According to a report by the Philippine Information Agency (PIA), these households have been declared totally damaged.
According to BOHECO 1, the lines to these homes cannot be reenergized until fixed or rebuilt.
The town covered by BOHECO I which sustained the heaviest damage is Inabanga, where a whooping 7,269 households have been damaged due to the typhoon.
After Inabanga, the next worst hit’ town in BOHECO I’s service area is Tubigon, where 3,438 households have been damaged.
In Loon, 2,863 households were totally destroyed and the service line men cannot put up the power connections back if these damaged houses are not restored.
In Clarin, around 2,327 houses have been destroyed.
In Antequera, around 2,103 houses were lost.
As of late, BOHECO 1 has restored 17% of its storm-damaged poles or some 864 of 4,491 poles.
The distribution utility has also restored 84% or 455 of its 539 damaged backbone lines.
The backbone lines connect are the ones that connect with the NGCP supplied power.