Cirilo Namoc, DA-Regional Technical Director
Bohol rice farmers will each receive P5,0000 from the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office 7, that started on Jan. 26,2022 and ended on Jan. 28, 2022, a report from the agency says.
According to Regional Technical Director Cirilo Namoc, around 4,416 rice farmers in Bohol are getting P5,000 each.
The total budget of the cash aid is pegged at 22 million pesos and sourced from the Rice Competitiveness Enhancement Fund- Rice Farmers Financial Assistance (RCEF-RFFA).
Namoc added that the delay of the release of funds was due to the slow internet connectivity in Bohol.
Oscar Hilot, a farmer beneficiary of the DA Central Visayas, expressed his gratefulness for the cash subsidy given by the agency.
He said that cash is a necessity nowadays, especially that most farmers are affected by the slowing down of the economy due to the pandemic.
The aid is going to help rice farmers affected by the implementation of the rice tariffication law (RTL).
The RCRF-RFFA was launched by the government to compensate the income loss of rice farmers due to the drop in the farmgate price to P13 per kilo as a result of the RTL implementation.