ni: Jes B. Tirol 

Ulalong 30, 2022

Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-13 Bahin/ Part 13


Atong padayonon pagtála ang mga lugpong sa Binisayâ alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “knave” hangtod sa “lunger

Mga Lugpong

1. knave (dishonest person; rascal) – lampingásan, bugóy, bilyáko (Sp.). Syn. guwátsi (Sp.)

2. knockknee (inward curvature of the legs) – kímpi, luking. Syn. lúngki, singkoy

3. knurl (deform) – sángsang, tubô-tubô

4. labor (when about to give birth) – bati, gabati; pagbati

5. laceration (act of lacerating) – busîsî, nabitas, láslas

6. lachrymose (cry easily) – hilakón, kapayason, mahilák

7. lame1(cripple) – bakól, kibod. Syn. angol, kiáng, kióng, piáng, baldádo (Sp.)

8. lame2ineffective; weak) –huyang, lalà

9. lame3(weak leg; rickety) – Iúlid. Syn. sampikol

10. languid1indisposed to physical exertion) – kalapuso. Syn. dúklap, gáong

11. languid2(sluggish) – yamtak, ploho (Sp.). Syn. balanghon, hinayan, lámyat

12. languid walk aginod

13. languor (discourage) — kapúgdaw

14. lanternjawed (large chin) – yákmò, jákmò

15. lapse (as mental lapse) –taligám-an

16. large forehead hadhad

17. large hind part of head patók

18. lassitude (languor) – kaluya, kakápoy. Syn. kalday

19. last of the species (last of its kind) – tulápos. Syn, kataposan

20. lazy1(due to being a dullard; slowpoke) – púlpol

21. lazy2(will not work) – tapolán, tapowán, tamád, taspokán, tákhon, ulispok

22. lean1(sinewy) – dinlók. Syn. lábka

23. lean2(thin) – niwang, daót. Syn. lágsaw, sápsing, yagpis. Ant. himsog, tigson, támbok, bús-ok

24. lecherous (sexually active) – balbahútog, húnay, higálon, palakayát, palaiyot, ulagán, uwagán

25. legitimate (as child) – pursúso, anak sa sakramento (Sp.)

26. legitimate heir (legal heir) – húl-os. Syn. manuminod, sumusunod

27. leper (afflicted with leprosy) – sanlahón (Sp), giamumutol

28. leprosy (a kind of communicable disease that can cause mutalition) – sánla (Sp.), sangla (Sp.), amumutol, agipo, kagidkid, kalanga

29. lesbian (a female that behaves like a male, tomboy) – ibáy. Syn. lakin-on, kuráng. sipingan. Ant. báyot

30. lesion (an injury) – pangós, samád

31. lethargy (apathy) – kahúbyà. Syn. katáspok, katápol

32. leucocyte (white corpuscle) – dalinog puti

33. leukemia (a disease of the blood) – lúbhak, sará. Syn. balaha, karangá

34. leukoderma (whitish skin disorder) – hawób. Syn. pugis

35. leukorrhea (a vaginal disorder) – tuwáy

36. levelheaded (good common sense) – katûkato

37. lewd (indecent) – hilas, gamáng, bigaon, bigátlon, birgat, láw-ay, palaútog

38. liar (utters falsehoods) – bakákon. Syn. bubotón

39. libidinous (lustful) – higál, hirál. Syn. mánhak

40. libido1(applicable to women) – bigà

41. libido2(sexual impulse) – ulag, uwag

42. licentious (lewd) – láw-ay, higál, bigáon, ulagan

43. light fingered (expert at picking pockets) – mangunguot

44. lighthearted (gay, carefree) — sádyà, masádyà, malipayon. Syn. mayâ

45. lightminded (frivolous) – jagajaga, tiawtiaw, guwatsi (Sp.), ginuwátsi

46. limp (in walking) – kiang, takingking, kimpang

47. lingering illness láygay

48. lisp (speak with obstruction from tip of tongue) – tupit. Syn. yungit, yuring

49. lithe (gracefully supple) – líson. Syn. bigot, bunyás, talamuyon

50. livid (black and blue from contusion) – lagom. Syn, bún-og

51. lockjaw (rigid closure of the jaws) – udungót, gángot, úngot, tetanós (Sp.)

52. loco (crazy) – loko (Sp.), búang

53. logorrhea (abnormal talkativeness) – dili sagad nga katabián, jagawjawán

54. logy (lethargic) – bangóg, dúklap

55. long (pine; wish for) – ngándoy. Syn. hándom, mingáw, handúraw

56. long face (exaggerated solemn facial expression) – lagmiko. Syn, múgtok

57. looby (big, clumsy person)- dupáw-og, dupalók

58. look blankly (opened eyes but does not perceive) – sulá. Syn. lurát, lusá. lutók, tanga, tanghal

59. look meaningfully (glance) – suráp. Syn. kidhat

60. loose bowel movement1(the situation) – kalibángà, tai-tai kaigit, purigit. Syn. kalibánglibáng

61. loose bowel movement2(very watery) – hibulós, hibős

62. loose bowel movement3(watery but somewhat solid) – purigit

63. loose jaw (horse-face) – jákmò, yákmò

64. loose tooth1(detacheable) – hingê

65. loose tooth2(shakeable) – taróg, habilhabil, hamihami

66. loquacious (talkative) – tabián, gálgal , galgalán

67. lose patience upós ang pailob

68. lost consciousness limot, utás, wad-an og panimuot

69. Lothario (seducer) – palikéro (Sp.). Syn. higal , higálon, uwagán

70. loud mouthed (have loud offensive voice) – bâbâon, dakóg bâbâ. Syn, kagaon, sabaán, singi

71. loupgarou (werewolf) – balúndo

72. lout1(awkward fellow) – bakikáw, kumáw

73. lout2(clown, boor) – kagáykay, bukón (Sp.)

74. lout3(rustic person)-bukidnon, banikánhon, gali

75. lout4(stupid person) – dánghag, hangálhangal

76. lovesick (languishing with love) – dághoy, håblok. Syn. hidlaw, iliw, mingáw

77. lowbred (vulgar, coarse) – bugóy, balasubas, lampingásan. Syn. bágis, marámà

78. lowbrow (uncultivated, vulgar taste) – bághas, bástos (Sp.), maháras

79. lowspirited (despondent; melancholy) lákdop, sagúk-oy. Syn. nalúgda, kasubó, gimingáw

80. lucid interval (insane gets normal for a short time) – liat

81. ludicrous (laughable) – kataw-anán

82. lug (clumsy, stupid fellow) – amáw, kuwanggol

83. lugubrious (absurd feeling of emptiness) – húngkag. Syn. háw-ang, húgpoy, sagmuyó

84. lumbago (lumbar rheumatism) – lumbago (Sp.)

85. lumbering walk1(slow in speed) – bundagól

86. lumbering walk2(sway side to side) – wándog, wándugwándog

87. lump (swelling) – búkol, húboy. Syn. búrot, hubág

88. lunacy (insanity) – kabúang, nabúang. Syn. sulubángon

89. lunatic (seasonally insane) – kúyog-bulan, sulubángon, alabúton

90. lunger (sick with tuberculosis) – sugpuón, itikahón (Sp.), tisíson (Sp.), tisikó (Sp.)