All That You Need to Know About Dental Veneers (Part 2)
If you are looking to get some veneers, it is best to look at the
pros and cons first in order to make an informed decision .
Veneers are able to fix the gaps, repair a chipped tooth,cover stains on the tooth, change the shape of a tooth, straighten out a crooked tooth, alter broken or chipped tooth, and color-correctyellow tooth for a whiter smile.
The veneers are able to make a patient’s smile look more pleasing and these are used to treat the teeth suffering from enamel erosion or abrasion.
People with weak teeth are advised not to get veneers. The tooth should have plenty of enamel so that the dentist can repair it when there is damage.
Veneers are not able to fix misaligned or crooked teeth.
You can’t use veneers on a tooth with a missing piece or filing.
It is known that veneers are costlier than their composite counterparts. It takes more time and attention to detail to create a porcelain veneer.
You can only use them on strong and healthy teeth with no previous bonding. As for the aftercare concerns, keep in mind the following things.
People who are getting veneers should avoid full-contact sports. They should avoid grinding the teeth or biting their fingernails.
It is a no-no for people with veneers to eat hard candy, nuts, chips, and toast.
Next week we will continue our discussion on why it makes good sense to get veneers.