The University of Bohol (UB) reopened its campus for limited face-to-face classes on March 1, 2022, for the Nursing, Midwifery, and Physical Therapy programs, the press release from the University said.
This development came after the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Regional Office VII issued Regional Office Memorandum No. 7-F2F, series of 2022 dated March 1, 2022, duly signed by CHED Regional Director Maura Consolacion D. Cristobal.
The CHED formally acknowledged the notification sent by the UB to the former for the conduct of limited face-to-face classes.
Before the notification, UB was granted clearance and issued a safety seal from the Tagbilaran City Inter Agency Task Force (TCIATF) for having complied with all the requirements on the readiness of the University to welcome students back to the campus albeit with limitations.
TCIATF, headed by City Health Officer Dr. Jeia Pondoc, conducted an assessment on Feb. 24, 2022, by observing the school’s simulation and drill for its traffic system, crowd management, classroom management, and implementation of health and safety protocol.
The TCIATF also inspected the retrofitting of campus facilities and laboratories.
UB is now implementing a one-way traffic system inside the campus. The University is also placing a one entrance and exit policy complete with directional signages, health and safety posters placed in strategic areas, and isolation rooms.
Under current Coronavirus disease (Covid) protocol, only fully vaccinated students, teaching, and non-teaching personnel can participate in the limited face-to-face classes in all three (3) programs allowed by the
A UB Crisis Management Committee and School COVID-19 Task Force are strictly monitoring the day-to-day protocol compliance.
All other college programs, Law, Graduate School, all levels in Basic Education (Victoriano D. Tirol-Advanced Learning Center [VDT ALC], Grade School, Junior High School, and Senior High School) will continue with the blended flexible learning modality.
An announcement will be issued regarding reopening other programs to conduct limited face-to-face classes for SY 2021-2022 and onwards, the press release from the University said.