2021 EULAR recommendations for the implementation of self-management strategies
in patients with inflammatory arthritis (Part 6)
Allow me to continue the discussion on self-management techniques for people with inflammation arthritis (IA) as recommended by the European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR).
Experts acknowledge that patient organizations or at least well-organized patient groups are not always available in many parts in the world.
It is best to help patients to connect with patient organizations in conjunction with all other care and treatment modalities they may be receiving.
If organizations are not available, it is best to use existing sources of information from the websites of other patient groups, from trusted internet sources, books and any other educational material that may be easily accessible online or through other means.
Patient education is the starting point of all self management modalities for people with IA. The information should be based on randomized controlled trials and review by the EULAR task force.
Self-management is considered a complicated intervention as it contains many interlocking techniques, thus making it difficult to pinpoint the most effective methodologies.
Patient groups should back the information and messaging about adherence to self management techniques and the impact of peer reinforcement, which can be powerful.
EULAR has released recommendations for patient education for people with IA as well as modes and methods of treatment delivery, and results and evaluation of the disease.
We will continue our discussion on the benefits of self-management and treatment modalities for people with IA.