Erico Joseph T. Canete
THE TERM POLITICS has its origin from philosopher Aristotle’s classic work, Politika. It would eventually become Politics in modern English. Authors say that etymologically, it means affairs of the cities and formally, as an art of government and the exercise of control of society through the making and enforcement of collective decisions.
Noting the phrase collective decision, politics’ aim is to achieve society’s existential end; the common good. It is imperative then that there should be unity through the exercise of check and balance among the executive, legislative and judicial branches of the government. This is the ideal politics; a politics that subordinates individuality to the collective interest of society.
Our concern here is not on the quiddity of politics as an art of governing but rather on the semantic shift of the term i.e. the modern and twisted accidentals of politics which is used as a means of enriching individuality by gaining power and control.
It’s time again for political advertisements, posters, pamphlets, flyers and other campaign paraphernalia. Shadows of the political candidates are obiquitous. Promises for a better future and governance are aired via media or in political gatherings. Impish grin marks the contenders face.
Everywhere we hear bellicose rhetorics from foul mouthed politicians or from their moutpieces and allies aimed to destroy the opponents’ credibility and dignity. Sadly sophism, deceptive ideas expressed through terms or words, is used to derail the voters’ choice.
We can probably excuse fallacy for it’s done unintentionally through inadvertence as a result of a mental slip. Yet, fallacies cease to be fallacies if used with malice. They become sophism.
How many innocent young minds are twisted by these errors? Or how many self donations and pretended ignorance were made on the strength of these lies and deceptions?
Isn’t it that we live in society? Isn’t it that we owe each other that which contributes to order and harmony in society? Isn’t it that this is only possible if people trust each other. Isn’t it that people trust each other if they tell the truth?
Shame on sophism! It barricades the function of the intellect in seeing the truth. It leads to discord and belligerence derailing the utopia that people in society dream of. The need to tell the truth is a sine qua non in achieving the common good.
And what about the phrase ‘guns, goons and gold’ or the ‘Three Gs’ of Philippine Politics? Obviously, they take part of the dreary machinations of corrupt politicians using it as a means to win a political race.
No wonder why Chinese communist leader Mao Zedong coined the phrase ‘political power grows out of the barrel of a gun’ hence, the birth of culture of belligerence in politics.
No wonder why Mary Kay Ash said ‘the speed of the leader is the speed of the gang’ hence, the birth of culture of violence in politics.
No wonder why Theodore White claimed that ‘the flood of money that gushes into politics today is a pollution of democracy’ hence the birth of culture of corruption in politics.
Changing the ogre in his/her political throne is easy. But the problem is how to resist the temptation of becoming the next ogre once in throne.
It is prayed then that this will be put to an end. Though everything changes, we hope that the changes be of help.