Ardy Ines Araneta Batoy
This week’s edition of VOX POPULI is featuring the netizens’ responses to two (2) questions which are:
Question No. 1: “Motoo ka ba nga ang paghimo ug pagpakatap sa FAKE NEWS usa ka paagi sa PAG PANGILAD? Ngano man?”
- from Jen May Ruiz Filoteo: Naay daghan … from the trolls … they are paid between 30k -60k a month. Gusto sana ko mag apply. Joke lang!
- from Marvee Anthony Sumaylo: Yes maam. Naay goal ag mu spread og fake news. some to get clout, some political, some financial. Ubang mga mabiktima raba kay lisud na patuohon og tinuod right until naa nay consequences.
- from Cecile Faith Rio Ramirez: Mind conditioning tacticts. Hehe sorry maam malingaw ko sa imong posts. Magbasa ra unta ko pero usahay d mapugngan mo comment keep it up!
- from Merleyeslam Eyes: yes mao nay goal sa mga may pansariling ambisyon…mao kitang katawhan magkori kori ta unsay tnood aron dita malinlang sa fake kong sa repa.pa.dita ma scam.
- from Cynthia Alagon: Mao gyod buhaton ng mga devil.
- from Julius Aron: Depende rana sa taw ug mo tuo dayon, mao ragud sa repa.
- from Violee Dano: Pangilad jod mam kay gituis ang kamatuoran.
- from Ann Holmqvist: Fake news can influence views & divert attention … Mental conditioning ni Ma’am Ardy .
- from Bernardita Cortes: Pangilad gyud ang Fake news Kay Daghan man pud MAGPAILAD mura man sila ug ISDA nga gITUKOB DAYON DILI lang angvPAUN KONDILIBGSDTS ang TAGA very VULNERABLE Kay Approve WITHOUT thinking man gud!!. I mean HASTA ANG TAGA.
- from Lee Castillo: It’s election time, there will be more of them.
Aside from netizens giving their comments, the following also expressed their reaction of “LIKE” to the statement.
Liza Migriño Quirog, Welma Sante Ochinang, Yolz Joannelle M. Quimpan, Minda Mar, Twinkle Lim, Johnstel Uy, Nyl Etnalacse, Clarivel Ingking, Ann Holmqvist, Riza Oñes – Sarabia, Arnold Bongcac Jr., Dolor Carreon, Violee Dano, Virgie Cutanda, Luz Luna Enad, Philip Bulilan, Ted Lagang, Fe Marfe Jimenez, Chingb Loquellano Clarete, Merleyeslam Eyes, Than E. Aparre, Armie Salome Calamba, Anne Araco
Question No 2: “Motoo ka ba nga ang usa a BULLY usa ka TINALAWAN nga paagi?”
- from Leah Wijetunga: Yes. There is Avery deep rooted psyche problem for anybody who bullies somebody. It’s more of a compensatory mechanism.
- from Ann May: Motoo ko ma’am! Bullies find their victims among those who are weaker, … whom they perceive as weak, & inferior !
- from Marcosita Bual Bernaldez Jabaybay: You’re right maam.
- from Marlene Gallo Estorosas: Thumbs up emoji.
- from Elgin Azarcon Angalot: Yes, they are. Panakip butas lang nang ila paisog-isog.
- from Cynthia Alagon: Tinood kaayo na 100%.
- from Erwin Baquial: Insecurities, who wants to show his “strength” by bullying those who he thinks cannot fight back.
- from Lanie Caderao Charles: Totally agree!
- from Elaine Chatto Galido: Yes 100%. Sige man ka kabasa ana tig pang bully ma’am.
- from Sais Dos Ocho: ✔100% pwede nato mahimong example ning namunoan sa national government. Naa rag pang hilabot. Daghan rag yaw yaw problema sa pandemic wa masulbad. Naa ra panghimantay kinsay muatbang sa politika. Nagpaila nga talawan. Baba ray ga daghan.
- from Rita Acido Libay: 100%✔
- from NiÑo Patindol Lanoy: Totally agree!!!
- from Emma Torreon: Kanang klaseha sa taw mam Ardy ? Naay sakit ana mam sa utok..di man gud tarong ug pangisip ang taw na mo bully mam Ardy ? Psychologically disorder Mam Ardy.
- from MosRa Anthony: Real Talk.
- from Linda Talaid Caderao: Bully ug jealousy kauban ra na sguro morag sakit nga cancer hehehe.
- from Marcelo S. Adiong Jr.: You hit it right between the eyes.
- from Salome Gerlen Rañoa Pamil: 100%
Aside from netizens giving their comments, the following also expressed their reaction of “LIKE” to the statement.
Sais Dos Ocho, Luz Luna Enad, Marcelo S. Adiong Jr., Violee Dano, Liza Francisco, Pilar Tero, Ted Lim, MosRa Anthony, Emma Torreon, NiÑo Patindol Lanoy, Ulyses Tomarong, Chingb Loquellano Clarete, JoMan TheThird, Ma Antoniette Toloy Morgia, Rita Acido Libay, Elaine Chatto Galido, Louize Sollitsep, Jesseca Araneta-Espejo Noroño, Armie Salome Calamba, Ly Radaza, Virna Judith Marie, Lanie Caderao Charles, Cynthia Alagon, Fe Marfe Jimenez, Stella Marie Patricia Butalid, Marlene Gallo Estorosas, Marcosita Bual Bernaldez Jabaybay, Trisha Chatto, Via Asna Ingente, Lyn Vix, Ann May, Corazon Gamorot, Lydia Magsigay Casanova