Based on Section 10 of Republic Act 11223 known as Universal Health Care (UHC) Act which was signed into law in February 2019, the premium rate for Direct Contributors for calendar year 2022 shall be pegged at four percent (4%), according to a press release from the state health insurer, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (Philhealth).
In January 2021, PhilHealth suspended the implementation of premium rate adjustment upon the directive of President Rodrigo R. Duterte in light of declaration of state of public health emergency.
Cognizant of the situation of many Filipinos at this time of the pandemic, PhilHealth deferred the implementation of the 3.5% premium rate for 2021, and instead supported efforts in Congress for a possible legislation that would grant the President with powers to suspend increases during national emergencies.
However, with no legislation yet in sight, PhilHealth is resuming the implementation of the premium rate this year as mandated by the UHC Law.
PhilHealth’s collection systems particularly the Electronic Payment and Reporting System (EPRS) which is being used by employers in remitting and reporting their employees’ contributions, as well as the Member Portal for self-paying members will be ready for payments/remittances following the adjusted rate starting the month of June 2022.
Payment of the one percent differential for the paid periods (referring to January to May 2022) may be settled by employers and self-paying members until December this year, the Philhealth said in a press release.