Tagbilaran bishop Alberto “Abet” Uy warned the public of the existence of a fake Instagram account bearing his name and the diocese of Tagbilaran.
The bishop and the diocese set the record straight in a Facebook post that appeared on May 29, 2022.
“We have been notified about someone pretending to be Bishop Abet/Diocese of Tagbilaran on Instagram and have been sending messages to random people,” the
prelate said.
The post added: “We would like to inform everyone that as of today,[May 29, 2022] Bishop Abet and the Diocese of Tagbilaran does not have an official Instagram account. We only have a Facebook page with 231, 000 plus followers and Bishop’s You tube channel with almost 12k subscribers. If you have received an instagram message from this account please ignore it and have it reported immediately. “
The diocese emphasized the necessity of getting the right information from trusted sources.
“It is very important for us that you only get correct information, especially that scammers are rampant on social media nowadays,” the post explained.
Meanwhile, Bishop Uy just returned from an overseas trip in Rome where he attended the canonization of Anne Marie Rivier, a French nun who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Presentation. The canonization was done on May 15, 2022.