Diarrheal Disorders
For the past days, I got many children with these problem in the clinic. Some of them were admitted because of vomiting and poor oral intake. So what is diarrhea? My textbook of Pediatrics and Child Health by Dr Fe del Mundo described diarrhea as the increase in frequency of stools or a change in consistency to watery stools.
Diarrhea is one among the top five causes of morbidity and mortality in the Philippines most especially among the pediatric age group for their increase susceptibility to infection and to dehydration.
The causes of diarrheal disorders maybe categorized according to infectious causes and noninfectious causes.
A. Infectious – Virus such as enterovirus, rotavirus, adenovirus and reovirus- Bacterial such as E. coli, salmonella, shigella and cholera- Parasites as amoeba, giardia, capillaria and strongyloides- Fungal as monilia- Parenteral as upper respiratory tract and urinary tract infections- Pseudomembranous enterocolitis- Inflammatory bowel disease
B. Noninfectious– Lactose intolerance- Other Carbohydrate intolerance- Overfeeding specially in young infants- Drug- induced as antibiotics- Milk allergy- Poisons- Food intolerance
The major features of the acute disease aside from diarrhea, may be vomiting, fever, dehydration and abdominal pain. The degree of dehydration which is classified into no dehydration, some dehydration and severe dehydration depends upon the amount of fluid lost in the stools, the presence or absence of vomiting and fever and the extent to which fluid is replaced.
Since dehydration can kill, diarrhea should be given utmost concern. We, the pediatricians greatly encourage parents and caregivers to bring children with diarrhea for assessment of dehydration and for proper management of the condition. What are some of the practical tips to avoid diarrheal disorders?
1. Promote breastfeeding2. Giving Rotavirus vaccine to infants3. Strict personal hygiene and proper handwashing 4. Giving home cooked foods to children 5. Avoiding street foods