Mayor Miriam exudes elegance as Reyna Elena

Dauis mayor Marietta “Miriam” Sumaylo exuded elegance as she took the role of Reyna Elena or Queen Helena in the Flores de Mayo in the said town.
She was the star of the Santacruzan, which is the culminating activity of Flores de Mayo held on Tuesday, May 31, 2022.
Sumaylo told The Bohol Tribune that she got involved in the Santacruzan after she was asked by the town’s parish priest Fr. Sinforiano Monton.
The mayor readily accepted the request to be the Reyna Elena as it was her way to give thanks to the Lord for all the blessings received.
Mayor Sumaylo was garbed in a stunning gown designed by fabled fashion designer EJ Relampagos.
The Santacruzan, from the Spanish santo cruz or holy cross, is the ritual pageant usually held on the last day of the Flores de Mayo.
The Santacruzan honors the story of quest to find the true cross by Queen Helena of Constantinople who was the mother of Emperor Constantine.
History tells us that Emperor Constantine was the Roman Emperor who legalized the practice of Christianity.
The Flores de Mayo is also a way to show devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Filipinos gather to the streets for a month-long celebration culminating in the ritual pageantry called the Santacruzan.