A test of true leadership

On June 30, new and recycled national and local officials will take the helm of government and will steer the country over the next three to six years.
With the current pandemic and economic crisis that we are facing, running the affairs of government should not be business as usual. It requires extraordinary effort and dedication to find the best solution to the increasing prices of basic commodities, the looming food crisis, graft and corruption, and many others.
The new president will face the challenge of a huge debt that has gone out of the ideal proportion to the gross domestic product, the skyrocketing prices of petroleum products that triggered inflation in all other products, and demands here and there coming from different sectors for price increase adjustment to cope with the crisis, and for the suspension of the excise tax on fuel to ease the current inflation.
While our national leaders face the problems on a macro level, local leaders deal with them at the grassroots level. Both national and local leaders must act on congruent goals since leading their respective constituencies with opposing goals will disservice the Filipino people. A case in point is the recent power clash between the Provincial Government of Cebu and the national government over a matter that can be threshed out in meaningful discussions.
The incoming administration has been calling for unity during the campaign. Amid this challenging time, the call has become more resounding. We have survived the most difficult time in the pandemic and are optimistic we can withstand all the other crises. Our new leaders will inherit the nation’s current state once they assume office. The true test of leadership is how our leaders look after the welfare of the people during this trying time.