The Causes and Treatments of Pyorrhea (Part 4)
Allow me to discuss the types of pyorrhea to give the readers a better understanding of this kind of dental disease.
Pyorrhea comes in several types. The common cause of pyorrhea is bacterial infection. The bacteria infects the teeth to the point where
the teeth loses their anchors to the jaw, which may lead to tooth loss.
The most common type of pyorrhea is the chronic kind. It affects mostly
adults but it’s not unusual for children to suffer from this disease. This condition is caused by plaque.
Aggressive pyorrhea starts at early adulthood or childhood and affects
a few persons.
It’s a hereditary type of dental disease that affects families for the most
part. If left untreated, this destructive type of pyorrhea will cause rapid progression of tooth and bone loss.
Necrotizing pyorrhea is the worst type of dental disease that involves the
death of supporting bone, tooth ligaments, and gum tissue caused by lack of blood supply. This condition usually occurs in people who have a suppressed immune system due to cancer treatment, HIV infection,
among others.
Next week we will tackle the treatment and prevention options available to patients.