Cong. Edgar Chatto is shown manifesting his vote for Cong. Martin Romualdez for House Speaker. This was dome during the opening of the 19th Congress on July 25, 2022. Contributed photo

FROM CENTRAL VISAYAS TO THE HALLS OF CONGRESS. Cong. Edgar Chatto (3rd from left) reunites with colleagues at the opening of the 19th Congress from Central Visayas on July 25, 2022. In the photo, he is shown with Bohol’s 3rd district Cong. Kristine Alexie Tutor (extreme left) and Bohol’s 2nd dist Cong. Maria Vanessa Aumentado (extreme right), Cong. Zaldy Villa (2nd from left) of the lone district of Siquijor and Cong. Josie Limkaichong (2nd from right) of Negros Oriental’s 1st district. Contributed photo