Techniques of Breastfeeding
In today’s issue, I will focus on the antenatal preparations and postnatal procedures to be done for a successful breastfeeding.
Antenatal Preparations:
1. One should wear a fitted maternity brassiere from the fifth month to
give correct support
2. The mother should also take a daily sufficient cleansing procedure for the nipple. Take note that:
– it is not advisable to use soap which could remove the skin natural oils
– if there is dryness around the areola due to lack of the skin natural oils,
there would be cracking of the nipples during feeding
3. It is advisable to rub the nipple and the areola with a little amount of
anhydrous lanolin to make them more supple. This will also help to remove dried colostrum
4. In some cases where the mother has already milk production before delivery, it is okay to express colostrum from each breast
Postnatal Procedures:
1. At birth in the delivery room, in cases where the newborn is stable, breastfeeding
is initiated that early
2. The breasts should be washed or wiped with clean water and dried with a soft towel
3. The mother is advised by the staff and the pediatricians that she should be in her most
comfortable position during breastfeeding session. Remember these:- if she is seated, her back should be resting properly and that it is the baby that should
be lying on her chest. – she must cradle the head of the infant on the crook of her arm while the other hand guides her nipple towards the side of the mouth of her rooting child.
4. Short feeding times are recommended at first and gradually increased so that the nipples
become used to being suckled. In the first five minutes of breastfeeding, 95% of the milk in that breast has been emptied that is why the baby should be transferred to the other breast so that both breasts are being emptied and that both will be refilled.
5. We should always remember that milk production is being governed by a “let- down” reflex which means that during sucking, it will send a signal to the brain to release milk. So the more sucking that is being initiated,
the more milk production there will be.
6. Burping is done at the end of feeding
7. The mother is also advised that in the next feeding time, the last breast being sucked by
the baby, must be the first breast to be offered.