Today’s topic is still a continuation of the topic of breastfeeding.
So how will the mother know if she has an adequate supply of breast milk?
There is an ample supply of mother’s milk when an infant stops feeding and is satisfied after sucking. The infant will have a good sleep and when awake, he is playful and contented until the next feeding time.
There will also be good urine output and regular bowel movement. Most important parameter is also to consider that the infant will be gaining weight.
So, for the mother to have an adequate supply of milk, she should always breastfeed her baby correctly, eat a well balanced diet, have a good sleep and have a positive mental attitude.
What is wet nursing? When the breast milk fed to an infant is obtained from a lactating woman other than the mother, it is called wet nursing. The wet nurse must be healthy and must be free from tuberculosis or syphilis. She should have a good personal hygiene and should have enough milk to supply another infant in addition to her own.
This type of feeding may be resorted to, for infants who can not tolerate any other type of milk especially those with low birth weight.