For the past two issues, we have talked about Colostrum and the proper technique of breastfeeding. Today, we will re visit the advantages of breastfeeding.
To make it easier to remember, the Department of Health requires each hospital to hang conspicuously the advantages of breast feeding with the following information:
B est for babies
R educes the incidence of allergies
E conomical
A ntibodies
S terile and pure
T emperature is always ideal
F resh
E asy once established
E motional bonding
D igested easily
I mmediately available
N utritionally optional
G astroenteritis reduced
Breastfeeding also has advantages for mommies and these are:
* has lower risk of suffering from postpartum hemorrhage
* can practice natural child spacing since breastfeeding helps in delaying ovulation
* has more time to bond with her baby
* has lower risk of having type 2 diabetes, breast cancer and ovarian cancer
* can reduce expenses
* less likely to take absence from work due to sick children
* and can allow mothers to return back to their pre -pregnancy weight and shed off
weight gained during pregnancy
August is National Breastfeeding Awareness Month and the Governor Celestino Gallares
Memorial Medical Center Breastfeeding Committee is inviting all breastfeeding mothers to join the, “ Tara Latch Bohol 2022”, which will be on August 20,2022 at the BQ Mall
Atrium 9 am to 11 am. Thank you.