To review, we have talked about Colostrum, the proper technique
of breastfeeding and the advantages of breast feeding both for the infant and for the mother.
In spite of all these knowledge, why is it that some can not do breast
feeding? What could be the possible reasons for not doing it or stopping it?
Study shows that the following are the common factors related to the
decline in the practice of breastfeeding:- lack of motivation or preparation to do breastfeeding
– aesthetic reasons adopted by the mother
– status seeking option of the mother
– effective promotion activities of infant food (not mother’s milk) done in the market
– mother’s work schedule hindering her from doing breastfeeding (where she has to
really work to help in the financial needs of the family- mother’s fear of the perceived pain of initial breast feeding
– mother’s belief in the possibility that doing breastfeeding can affect her health
both physically and emotionally
In some instances, it is better to withhold breastfeeding if the mother has chronic
diseases like tuberculosis, cardiac diseases, thyrotoxicosis, advanced nephritis, mental and seizure disorders, and syphilis.
Breastfeeding is also avoided if the mother intends to put up the baby for adoption
to avoid emotional attachments between the mother and the baby.
On a temporary basis, breast feeding can be withheld when the mother is taking
anticoagulants, antibiotics like penicillins, steroids or other potentially harmful substances.
Moreover, mothers cannot do breastfeeding when their nipple are retracted or