Holy Name University proudly announces that its Water Testing Laboratory
(Water Laboratory) has gotten an accreditation from the Department of Health (DOH) for Service Capability Category A: Microbiological (Membrane Filtration Technique) and Category B: Physical-Chemical Analysis of Drinking Water.
The laboratory boasts of water testing capability, which is accurate,
accessible and affordable.
Currently, it is the first and only water laboratory in Bohol which can test both
microbiological and physical-chemical parameters of drinking water.
The HNU Water Laboratory is also working towards accreditation for water and
wastewater analysis.
It has gone through first level assessment with the Environmental Management
Bureau (EMB) of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).
The various tests which can be performed by the HNU Water Testing Laboratory
are the following: E. coli, Fecal coliform, Total coliform and Heterotrophic Plate Count (HPC), pH, Color, Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), Total Suspended Solids (TSS), Turbidity, Ammonia, Chloride, Hardness, Iron, Nitrate, Nitrite, and Residual Chlorine.
The HNU Water Laboratory is in line with HNU’s mission in protecting the integrity
of creation. It will conduct reliable water analysis that meets the standards set by water accrediting agencies; spearhead the collaboration of stakeholders for sustainable water resources management; establish an integrated water resource
management information system; and sustain operations through sound management and control systems.
The opening of the HNU Water Testing Laboratory is in response to the clamor of
consumers and customers for accessible, accurate, affordable water analyses in Bohol without the need to transport the water samples to Cebu in compliance with the requirements for continuous business operations and renewal of business permits.
For more information, all interested parties may call (038) 412-2879 or 501-7731
local 567 or email waterlab@hnu.edu.ph.