Calape police reported that they arrested a drug suspect following a drug buy bust operation on Sept. 1, 2022, according to a press release.

Calape police station chief Maj. Robert Lucernas led his men in the conduct of the buy bust operation at barangay San Isidro, Calape town.

The suspect is identified as Aude Ilustrisimo, 28 years old, single, laborer, a resident of Sitio Cangumba, Barangay San Isidro, Calape town.

The police reported that seized from suspect were five small pieces of heat- sealed transparent cellophane sachets containing white crystalline substance believed to be shabu and drug paraphernalia.

The seized alleged shabu has an estimated weight of 2 grams, more or less, with a value of P13,600.

Proper charges will be filed against the suspect soon, the police said.