Goiter is our topic for today. I am sure that majority of us have heard of this word – goiter.
So we now ask: What is goiter? Goiter is the medical term which refers to any enlargement of the thyroid gland.
There is such a term called Euthyroid goiters. What is meant by Euthyroid goiters? Also known as Simple goiters or Non-toxic goiters, Euthyroid goiters are those
which are not associated with hyper or hypothyroidism at the time of diagnosis.
The classification of Euthyroid Goiters in Infancy and Childhood includes the following:I. Inborn Errors of Thyroxine Synthesis
2. Thyroiditis
3. Neoplastic
4. Goitrogens
5. Miscellaneous
As far as miscellaneous is concerned, this classification includes the following:
a. Infiltrative
b. Ectopic
c. Adolescent goiter
d. Others