by Donald Sevilla
The proliferation of fake pages and platforms on social media in the guise of a parody or a satire that broadcasts news of public interest but distorting it, is by no means humorous.
Truth to tell it does not even come close to the real definition of a parody. Plain and simple, what it is, is a distortion of truth with the aim in view of sowing disinformation and disguising it by injecting humor.
It is purely propaganda, a narration of false events and circumstansces to sustain a narrative. Taken plainly it is a mockery of reality and a gross insult to our sensibilities.
Webster defines parody as ” a literary or musical work in which the style of an author or work is closely imitated for comic effect or in ridicule.”
Our politics is dirty and we have witnessed it with all the mudslinging and character assassination emanating from opposing camps. Yet everyone is equally guilty in an effort to further their own interests.
But what can we say even if in victory, victors continue to be vile and vicious stamping out dissent and opposition? The hallmark of a vibrant democracy is a healthy opposition and acknowledgment of opinions other than our own.
Victors should be magnanimous in their victory, not gloat over it and stifle dissent. For it is in creating a healthy balance of differences that democracy thrives upon.
But when opposition is curtailed and contrary opinions bullied what becomes of us? When we are ” blinded to the truth and lie to ourselves and others about things that should be but to some shouldn’t be”, are we not being insecure?
True winners always move on no matter what. Only those who are unsure, repeatedly hang on and are haunted by the ghosts of their past who take comfort in sustaining their lies. By creating scenarios that put others in a bad lighr, they are promoting themselves.
” Paint the other guy bad always so that you can maintain your narrative of self-righteousness.”