by Donald Sevilla
” Once there was a boy who got used to having his way around. In school he was always peskering others and bullying just about everyone.
He was proud of himself, conscious of his looks and took delight in his favorable financial stature over others.
One day he woke up to the grim reality that he suddenly lost someone he dearly loved.His world had come crashing down and since then he was full of anger and hate.
Years later physically grown a man, yet the boy within him remained, lost in time and space.”
How many of us had to endure tragedy and trauma that shape our lives? The way we see life and respond to others around us mirror our past.Deep- seated trauma account for violent behavior and an uncontrollable rage.
Hence it is apt to say that we must cast our demons if we are to live happy and fulfilled lives.
While others are lucky to be spared such misfortunes early on, we must always look at those unfortunate with compassion. We pity those bullied but we pity the bully even more.
Yet how we turn out to be depends largely on how we choose to carry ourselves. We can always sulk in the pain and continue to harbor hate and resentment at life or we can choose to move on.
Moving on is a tall order for some. Misery loves company and those miserable end up dragging others along with them.
So next time you feel hate and anger towards another, look at yourself in the mirror and into your past. You decide the person you want to be.You cannot undo the things you had no control of but you can always choose the future you want.
While this may sound simple, simple is as complicated only as you wish it to be. But what if there exists another problem? What if there’s another person within your own waiting to get out?
Is a woman trapped in a man’s body an excuse to make others more miserable?
Good gracious may the heavens help us!
Disclaimer: Any references to persons in recent and past memory are purely
coincidental.The story is fictional aimed to explore the psychology of underlying causes that shape our character and personal behavior .