by Donald Sevilla
Most often the accomplishments of a hundred days are a matter of perception and projection not realization.
It is not easy to accomplish things and effect substantial changes when a leadership has barely laid down the foundations for its desired goals. Even the full three year term in office of an administration is not enough to get things up and running.
This is our dilemma in a system set and bound by its limitations. To the public what a hundred days could bring is a glimpse into the days ahead whether it be merry or sad.
While many will say there is not enough time to accomplish anything and they are right, it gives us a glimpse of the future we will be facing.
A good leader weathers the storm and can unify his people to work together for a common good rather than sow hate and division. A hundred days into his office is enough to show his hand to keep us guessing what cards we will be dealt with.
But our politics is such that we are mostly bound by common interests rather than ideologies. The first 100 days is a shakeup to realign the forces that put a leadership into power and for power to put them in place.
Nothing significant can yet be accomplished as the victors are busy dividing the spoils of war among themselves. Is this not the case where a myriad of consultants and advisers are hired to help the new leadership? Out with the old in with the new.
This adds up to the chaos and time wasted trying to blend these interests together.Pockets or factions of power can arise like an inner circle within the bigger circle.The kings court is like a snake’s pit.True or not?
Before the orchestra plays in symphony, a conductor has to be sharp and savvy. Merging the cacophony of sound and voices into one beautiful music requires great talent and skill.
But are our elected leaders up to the task?
A hundred days is just the prelude to our opera and the beginning of a political saga that greatly impacts our lives.
So what should we expect? Are we moving forward in the direction we want to take or are we jumping from the frying pan into the fire? Mince no words, it is not easy to sell a dream when the bitter reality sets in.
Keep not our expectations up.Things are easier said than done. A rehash of programs already started in the past while repackaged and reformatted to suit the present overlords are not accomplishments to be credited as their own.
Yet hope is not all lost. We must continue to be vigilant and aware of our bearings. The first 100 days may not bring much but we have another 995 days to watch out for.
Whose hand is rocking the cradle?