Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Bagyubágyo 9, 2022
Mga Lúgpong sa Pagmábdos ug Panganák
(Terms for Pregnancy and Childbirth)
Ang Sinugboanón Binisayâ aduna nay daghang mga pulong kabahin sa pagmabdos ug pagpangak. Atong tukibon dinhi ang ubang mga pulong.
1. abort¹ (abort the foetus) – balukad, kúhà, láglag, táktak, hilog, suib
2. abort² (by applying pressure)- hilog
3. abort³ (by inserting herbs/medicine) – sirib
4. abortionist (illegal) – kikik
5. afterbirth and secundine (the placenta and fetal membranes, etc. expelled after birth of fetus) – singgulo
6. afterbirth excretions – lumawig
7. amnion (a tough membrane enclosing the fetus in the womb)-putós sa inunlan
8. birth pang (as woman in labor pain) – batî
9. blood clot (part of afterbirth) – amapón
10. born’ (be an offspring) – gipanganak. Syn. himuluwag
11. born² (brought into being)-natawo
12. born³ (delivered as creation)-himigso
13. breech presentation (feet first at birth) – suhi, údom
14. cervix (the neck of uteri) – lalabutan
15. cesarean section (cesarean operation; method of birthing by operation) – dásdas, yásyas, disdis-paanak
16. childbirth (parturition) – nganák, himúgsò
17. childbirth pain¹ (highest stage) sáol
18. childbirth pain² (labor) – bati
19. conceive¹ (as child) – sámkon, panámkon, sabák. Syn, mabdos
20. delivery room (for birth) – alangkan, anakán
21. fetus; foetus (unborn baby)-payaón. Syn. binhi, malalag, puyá
22. infant¹ (newborn) – puyá. Syn. payaón, bátà, masúso, túnghod
23. infant² (emphasis on being still suckling)-masiso, nagtutoy
24. labor (the instant the baby is expelled and the highest point of labor pain) – saol
25. labor¹ (when about to give birth) – bati, gabati; pagbati
26. miscarriage¹ (abortion of fetus) – láglag, kuhà, balukad. Syn. gikakathaan
27. navel (depression on the abdomen) – pusod
28. neonatal (newly born infant until six months)- malálag. Syn. payaón, puyá
29. placenta (fetal and uterine membrane) – inúnlan
30. pregnancy (being pregnant) – pagmabdos
31. pregnant¹ (start of bulging belly) – gubin
32. pregnant² (with child) – mábdos, búntis, burós, sabák, nagsabák
33. pregnant³ (with protruding belly) – burós, uród. Syn. búsyad
34. secundine (afterbirth) – imúnlan, tumátob, lumáwig, singgulo
35. term’ (time span) – tagál, tákdà, kahiúpngan
36. tightening of the belly (when the baby in the womb will move) – lútong. Syn. gimok, hugót, kibútkibót
37. uterus (womb)-taguangkan, lagudlágod, mátris (Sp.)
38. vis a tergo (Latin) (a strong straining push to force out the baby from the womb)- unto. Syn. útnga39. zygote (product of two gametes) – binhi