By Telly G. Ocampo
On the feast of Sto. Padre Pio
During one of the celebrations of the feast of St. Padre Pio, I remember very well our visit to Isola De Francisco in Panglao. It is such an amazing place. I’m wondering if it is still magical now after the wrath of Odette.

That visit done by some of my high school classmates from the then St. Joseph College Class of 1958-1962, was an enjoyable excursion – a time when our knees were still stronger and younger. The group included Bobong Yap, Steve Galvan and an American friend who helped us in making ourselves comfortable in that small boat from the Panglao mainland to the island.

Our visit to the island became meaningful since the place was developed by the family of our classmate, Pilar Cloribel. The Cloribel residence which is surrounded by fruit trees, is in fact, a landmark in the barrio of Tangnan in Panglao. Chicos really abound in the residential area and you can always identify the house because it is the only edifice you see in the vicinity when you take the coastal road going to the Poblacion.

My Tacloban BFFs came to visit me here recently as stated in my previously article. I could have brought them to the Isola de Francisco, but all of us could no longer withstand the boat transfer from the mainland to the island and back.
So, when they were here on the feast of Padre Pio last September 23, 2022, my Tacloban friends and I, opted to visit churches nearby.

We went to the Loboc church which is newly rebuilt. We also visited the church of the Holy Trinity in Loay including the church of Santa Monica in Albur. All of them are stately and grand. We also went to the church of Our Lady of the Assumption in Dauis before we proceeded to the church of the Immaculate Conception in Baclayon. It was in this church where we attended mass in honor of Padre Pio. We arrived here just in time for the novena and blessing for the saint with the heavenly voice of the Dalumbar choir, known devotees of the saint. In this church, there was a display of photos depicting the life of Padre Pio known for his being a stigmatist with powerful healing hands and the mystery of his bilocation. He can be at different places at the same time.

We culminated our church visit the following day in the town of Maribojoc where the church has two patron saints: San Vicente Ferrer and the “Inahan sa Kanunay Panabang” (Mother of Perpetual Help).
Even if the churches of Loay, Loboc and Baclayon were almost levelled down by the earthquake of 2013, these churches were definitely restored and now, they still remain the legacy bequeathed to us by Spain. Yes, these churches have become a living proof of the faith seriously embraced by our ancestors.
We miss the church of Loon due to time constraint. We went slow and relaxed during our tour. We didn’t want to tax ourselves by pressuring our schedule and time. Perhaps in our next trip together, we can visit to the Birhen Sa Kasilak.
We accept the fact that now, we are all aging seniors and we want to enjoy every bit of our time. Even if “the body is weak, the spirit is still willing”.

Our Isola de Francisco tour with classmates from the then St. Joseph College (now Holy Spirit School). From left are: Virgilia “Daya” Lim-Yap, Milagros Calope-Galvan, Teresita Pernia- Reyes, Chona Fortich (representing her sister Esperanza “Baby” Fortich, and Linda Pamaong- Francisco.