by Donald Sevilla
“Come with me and you’ll be in a world of pure imagination. Take a look and you’ll be into your imagination.
We’ll begin with a spin
Traveling in the world of my creation
What we’ll see will defy
Explanation “
Politicians are adept at the task quick to tickle our fancy, bringing us into a world of fantasy far from reality.They promise us the heavens and the stars and most often we fall for it.
We like to hear what we believe in a desperate bid to make our lives better. We become gullible and jump at every opportunity that appears to improve ourselves.Why do you think people become victims to obvious scams during hard times?
In our desperation and frustration we cling to promises of hope for a better life, often without discerning and weighing in on the reality around us.
Fuel pump prices drop a few centavos lower but soar many times over in the next round of price increases. Haven’t we wondered why?
We expect things to improve but have we made concrete steps to make it happen? We couldn’t just rely on miracles if we must survive these challenging times. We have to work hard and work harder we must.
People and government must be in partnership at all times to be effective. The leadership must not bear down on the opposition and instead welcome dissenting opinions for check and balance.
Every now and then we need that knock on the head to bring us to our senses. While there is no surefire formula for success in a crisis, time-tested methods often come in handy.
While nothing can be achieved by pure imagination and rhetorics alone, nothing beats sheer hard work on the ground. Yet for all our best efforts who is taking the cudgels for us and running the show?
Who is the man behind the wheel?