Know the Omicron XBB variant
Let us now discuss the Omicros XBB variant.
This variant is a recombinant of two Omicron subvariants.
So far, it is the most transmissible of all Omicron subvariants.
This variant has the ability to evade vaccine immunity.
Even if it evades vaccine immunity, there is no evidence that the variant causes more severe Covid illness.
Infected individuals have mild symptoms like fever, body malaise, cough, and sore throat. Additional symptoms are diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. These are additional symptoms common to XBB infected individuals, but rare to individuals infected with other covid19 variant
Even if XBB evades vaccine immunity, researches have shown that boosted individuals have better protection
against XBB compared to those who have not received the booster dose.
An XBB driven surge in our country is possible, but an increase in the number of hospitalization is not expected as
long as most Filipinos have received the booster shot.