Bohol Tribune


Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Bagyubágyo 30, 2022

Mga Lugpong sa Panahon, Wantag, Bagyo, ubp,

(Terms for Weather, Climate, Typhoon, etc.)


Ang mga Bisaya hawod na nga manakayán sa dágat. Tungod niini, ang ilang kasinatian nagmugnà sa habog ug halapad nga kaalam sa panahón, wántag, bagyo, ubp. mga kaalam nga

makapalambo sa ilang katilingban.

Labot na niini ang ilang paghingalan sa bulan sa tuig (month) nga Bagyubágyo (October)

tungod sa ilang kasinatian nga daghang bagyo ang mohási niining panahona sa tuig.

Atong tukibon karon ang mga lugpong nga adunay kalabotan sa panahon, wantag, bagyo,

ug uban pa.

Mga Lugpong

1. climate (atmosphere, winds, etc.) – klima (Sp.), wantág

2. climate changekausában sa wantág

3. continuous blowing of the windalaságas

4. cyclone (tornado) – tulod-bátang. Syn, alimpúlos, alimpós, buhawi

5. danger (exposed to peril) – kuyáw, hingánib, peligro (Sp.)

6. flood1 (inundation) – húnop, abáw, áb-aw, lágnas, lánap, lángbas

7. flood2 (strong flow) – bahâ. Syn. búl-og, bún-og, salákay, únop, úgob

8. gale (strong wind lesser than a storm) tampúrok, manok-mánok, manukmánok. Syn.

subásko (Sp.), ándos, unós

9. gale warning (a warning that a gale is coming) – pasidaán og tampúrok

10. hazard1 (difficulty) – kalisdánan, kabilínggan, pit-os

11. hazard² (obstacle) – all, balábag, bálda (Sp.)

12. hazard3 (peril) – kuyáw, peligro (Sp.)

13. heavy rain (downpour) – búnok

14. inundate (to flood) – lúnop, sánap, sáop, bánaw, abáw, áb-aw. Syn. baha

15. inundation (a flood) – húnop, sanápan. Syn. banáwan

16. landslide1 (large block split and slide) – láka

17. landslide2 (large portion toppled over) – túmpag

18. landslide3 (rout; overwhelming) – makabúngog, lát-an, lubóng

19. landslide4 (sliding of soil) – dahili; anás. Syn. daligdig

20. low-pressure (bad weather) – ágdom, kúgmot

21. rain (condensed water vapor) – ulán

22. rain gage (udometer; instrument to measure the amount of rainfall) – sukód-ulán

23. rainbow (arch of prismastic color) – balángaw, bángaw

24. rainbow² (partial rainbow; water gall) – silom

25. rainstorm (storm with rain) – unós

26. rainy seasontiulán, ting-ulán

27. risk1 (attempt something dangerous) – káhas, ngáhas. Syn. arisgár (Sp.), pamásin, suláy

28. risk2 (danger, peril) – hingánib, kuyáw, peligro (Sp.), risgo (Sp.). Syn. kúlbá

29. risk3 (dare, endeavor to) – lumá, palumá, sugál. Syn. tugá, sápol

30. risk4 (take a chance) nangabér (Sp.), namahála, namásin, tubong

31. risk5 (unmindful of consequence) bugkawang, pasibaya, bahálů na

32. storm (great whirling motion of air) – unos

33. tropical depression (a weather disturbance) – kúgmot

34. tropical region (tropical zone) – kaalindangan

35. tropics alindangáan, tropikó (Sp.)

36. typhoon (hurricane) – bágyo

37. waterspout (tornado at sea) buluhaól, buhawi, buluháwi

38. wave train (series of waves propagated from a vibrating or radiating body) – indahay

39. Weather Bureau (a government office observing the weather) – Buhatán sa Panahón

40. weather map (a map showing the weather con-dition for a particular region and time) –

mápa sa panahón

41. weather observatory (station for observing the weather) – panildnahón

42. weather1 (bad weather) – luyugóy, daotáng panahón, ágdom. Syn. múlat, kisdom

43. weather2 (cold weather) – hulúmhom, túgnaw

44. weather3 (drizzling all the time) – lagmúko

45. weather4 (dry spell in weather) – tilhà. Syn. huláw, huwaw

46. weather5 (fair weather) – halayáhay, hayáhay, sandóng Syn. maayong panahón

47. weather6 (general atmospheric condition) – panahón

48. weather7 (sultry weather) – alingling, alinsúob, alangúang, alimuot, igang Syn. gin-ót,


49. weather8 (tail-end of the cold front) – sibwa

50. weather9 (tropical depression) – kugmót

51. weather-beaten (showing the effects of expo-sure to weather) – págtong, napágtong, alóp

52. weather-bound (detained by bad weather) – tánggong sa bágyo

53. weathercast (weather report) – taho sa panahón

54. weathercock (weather vane) – ayatáyat, kilikili, banugláwin, kasikasí, girimpúla,


55. weathered (rot due to the effects of weather) – tún-as

56. weatherman (someone concerned with the daily weather condition) – tigpaniid sa


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