by Donald Sevilla
When we talk sense others respect and admire us.But when we talk trash and nonsense people spite and avoid us. For respect begets respect and how we handle ourselves in relation to others is like a mirror that reflects us.
Humans are far from perfect yet the quality of human relations is similar to the laws of physics, where for every action there is an equal and appropriate reaction. Sow love and we get love in return Sow positive vibes and we attract good karma.
But act miserably and reprehensibly towards another and we get what we deserve. In life we cannot go on bragging and bullying others and expect people to love us sincerely.
When holding positions of power and iinfluence wield it unflinchingly but fairly. Let us not use our power to put othèrs down to further our interests. Let us not use it to force others into submission.
For with great power comes a great responsibility to handle it well. It is in how we conduct ourselves that people judge and see us. Be kind and we earn the admiration of many, but be otherwise and people will hate us.
Thus it helps that we constantly look toward ourselves to reflect and to keep us in check. It does not help that our power and new found fame get into our heads.When it does we can unknowingly hurt others.
Egotists and narcissists have a hard time understanding the dynamics of human interaction.They are so engrossed with themselves that they think the universe revolves around them. They couldn’t care less about how others feel and more often lose sight of reality.
We fall into delusions of grandeur when all we think about is ourselves. This is the danger when we think so highly of us. When we look at ourselves as the only solution and a super hero, we become the problem.
Yet life has its way of putting us where we belong. We get back what we sow and we become what we make of ourselves!