Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot Nga Diyotay 13, 2022
Mga Lugpong sa Matimatika sa Pamuhónan
(Terms for Mathematics of Investments)
Ang mga Bisayâ, dugay na kaayo nga miapil sa buhat sa patigayon. Walâ pa modangat dinhi sa atong kapupúd-an ang mga Katsilà, ang mga Bisayâ nakigpatigayon na táli sa ubang katawhan sa kanáypan (continent) Asiya.
Busa atong maaninaw nga aduna na kitay atong mga lugpong kabahin sa patigayon ug ilabina gayod sa mga lugpongs sa matimatika sa pamuhónan. Mao kini karon ang atong tukibon
tungod kay nataligam-an na kini ug atong gipulihan sa mga pulong nga Kinatsilâ ug Ininglis.
Mga Lugpong
1. absolute value-bug-os nga nahót
2. add-on interest-dugang nga pátong
3. accrue1 (come as a result) – sángpot, dángat
4. accrue2 (come as advantage)-pos, pulós, gamit
5. accrue3 (increase) – dúgang, puno, dághan, dáhan
6. accumulate¹ (amass)-tigom, tumpi
7. accumulate2 (gather) – hipos, tápok, tipón-og
8. amortization – data, datahón
9. amortize-datadáta, hulog-húlog
10. amount1 (quantity) – kadaghanón
11. amount2 (will become)-mahimo nga
12. amount to1 (result to) – dángat, sángpot. Syn. abót sa
13. amount to² (total to)-kábat
14. bond (guaranty)-patinga, pagmatúod sa útang. Syn. tahán
15. book value (the net worth of a business based on its records)-nahót sa patigayon
16. compound amount (sum of the original principal and compound interest) – tinipon nga kábat
17. compound interest (interest computed on the original capital together with the accrued interest)-tinipon nga tánto
18. compute-kalangkálang
19. convert (exchange)-báylo. Syn. púli, bálhin
20. count1 (enumerate)-iháp. Syn. isip
21. count2 (include)-apil, takip
22. data (facts)-kasayóran, kaunayan
23. date’ (calendar) – adlawán, pétsa (Sp.)
24. date2 (obsolete)-hupás, lipás, kinaraán
25. dated’ (antiquated) – dáan, kardan
26. dated² (having a calendar date)-adunay adlawán, pinetsáhan (Sp.)
27. datum (reference)-base (Sp.), sukarán, sumbanán
28. debt (restructure a debt, as bank loan) – kúlaw
29. debt (something to be paid) – balayronón, bayronón
30. debt’ (that which one owes)-útang, gúti
31. debtor (one under obligation to another)-utángan. Syn. nangutang
32. decrease (diminish in value)-kunhod
33. deficiency (lack of)-kakulangán, pagkaang-ang, pagkaalang-alang
34. deficient1 (lack a little bit)-ang-ang, alang-alang
35. deficient2 (lacking)-kulang, kapós, iwát
36. deficit (amount lacking)-kang-a, kilang
37. deficit financing-panalapi nga inútang
38. deficit spending-gasto nga imitang, gásto labaw kay sa kinitaan
39. discount1 (attach little importance)-salindor, hiklin, pasibayâ
40. discount2 (lessen the worth)-kunhod, bugkawang, diskuwento (Sp.)
41. discount3 (reduction in price as a favor or privilege) – bungtól
42. depreciate (lessen in value; price cut)-higos. Syn. kubós, ús-os, kunhod, kibra (Sp.)
43. effective-madangáton, masangpóton, ni taláb, salir (Sp.), epektibo (Sp.)
44. expense (cost)-gásto (Sp), galastohán. Syn, bayad, gúgol
45. formula’ (criteria) – barahán
46. formula2 (established method)-sundanán
47. formulate1 (express as formula) – pagsundanán, pagsundanánon
48. formulate2 (put in systematic form)-paghán-ay, pagwánay
49. illustrate’ (draw, paint, border)-bális. Syn. búbot, bádlis, lúdlis
50. illustrate2 (explain)-dalubása. Syn. agwatáto, pasabót, sánglit
51. illustration (an example to explain)-pananglit, pananglitan
52. illustrative (serving to illustrate)-pangbális, panglúdlis, pangpasabót
53. illustrator (artist)-tigbúbot, tigbális, tigdiyundi
54. income’ (as increase in asset)-sáka, tubo
55. Income2 (earning) – kinitaan
56. income3 (result of)-abót
57. interest¹ (interest rate)-ángkit, interés (Sp.)
58. interest2 (percentage gain added)-pátong, tánto (Sp.)
59. invest¹ (infuse something, as money)-butáng, lúnod, pugas-púgas, támpo
60. invest2 (provide capital)-puhunan, mamuhunan
61. invested capital’ (money invested) – puhunan
62. invested capital2 (take back the invested money but leaves the profit or gain in the business) hinguli
63. investment capital (to be accounted before profit or loss) – hinguli
64. investment1 (capital invested) – puhunan
65. investment2 (property invested) – hinguli
66. investor (one who invest) – namuhunan
67. math; mathematics-matimatika (Sp), kathapán
68. par value (equivalent value)-túmbas nga nahót
69 percent (math) – sihâ
70. percentage-siniha, sikatós
71. percentile-sikatosán
72. principal1 (core; main support) – lintunganay
73 principal2 (important)- hinungdánon
74. principal3 (main) – sinaligan
75. principal4 (money capital)-puhunan
76. probability (most likely) – kalagmitan. Syn. kaháyan, purohán
77. probable (likely) – lágmit
78. probably (there is a possibility)-háyan, lágmit, purohán. Syn. tingáli, kahá, káyhà
79. problem’ (emotional)-sulirán
80. problem² (mental)- gumonhap
81. problematic (becomes a problem)-hulubáron, tulukibon
82. simple’ (ordinary)-yano. Syn. kasarángan
83. solution1 (mathematical solution) – húsay
84. solution2 (resolution) – bádbad, húsay
85. solvable (can be solved)- mahusay, masúlhad (Sp.). Syn, mabádbad
86. solve’ (find the answer) – matubag
87. solve (work out a solution) – hisay, súlbad (Sp.)
88. solvency (the state or condition of being able to pay) pagkamakabayád
89. solvent (can pay) – makabayad
90. solvent’ (has money)-kuwartáhan (Sp.), saplan
91. sum (result of addition) – tingób
92. sumless (incalculable) – dilì maisip
93. term¹ (for restructuring debt) – kúlaw, pláso (Sp.)
94. term² (period of contract)-pláso (Sp.), tagál
95. term1 (schedule of payment) – datahán, hulogán, pagaré (Sp.). Syn. hulughúlog
96. term2 (time span)-tagál, tákdà, kahúpngan
97. time interval (space in time)-páw-ang
98. time limit (schedule)-tagál. Syn. tákdà99. time (lapse in interval)-panahón, kadugayón. Syn. lúngtad