Ni: Jes B. Tirol
Panglot Nga Diyotay 20, 2022
Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian
(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)
Ika-7 Bahin/ Part 7
Atong padayonon pagtala ang mga lugpong sa Binisaya alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “disembowel hangtod sa “empty stomach”.
Mga Lugpong
- disembowel (remove the intestine) – inig-o, Iniv.di
- disinfect (free from germs) – hikas, paghilo sa kagaw
- dislocate (as bone joints) – bilwa
- dissect¹ (cut)-ápit
- dissect¹ (open up) – pagbuliskad
- distemper (body illness) higwaós, hiwasa. Syn. alingása,
- kalaóg, hingaon
- edema (swelling) – húpong, burot. Ant. kiyos, kupós
- edematous (bloat)- manghúpong, mamirot
- effete (no virility) – duas
- egghead (highbrow) – singkurongón. Syn. kurukintong
- egocentric -akó-akó, akó-akohón, padavég
- egoistic siyaninhon
- egotist (braggart) – kágà
- egotistic (selfish) – siyaúnhon
- emaciate (thin) bakig, kág-ang, balingkágas, kágas, haga,
hail, higos, huyak, namióng, sag-ảng. Syn, daót, hugô, lunós,
niwang, sápsing, sálot, sawót, tángsà, yagpis. - emasculate¹ (castrate) hibúto, hibút-an, kapón. Ant. kátli,
katlian - emasculate² (deprive of vigor) – pahagå, paluyát
- embolism (stopping of a vein or artery by an embolus) – nabará
(Sp.), nasap-ongan, nasampongán - embolus (something that obstruct a blood vessel) – bará (Sp.),
sámpong, nakasampong, sáp ong - emetic (can produce vomiting) makadigwà, makapadigwà,
makasúka, makapasúka - emphysema (distention due to air) – bútod. Syn, sándak, húpong,
búrot - empty stomach (as when fasting) – lagútoy. Syn. kutoy, háw-ang
- alindasay
- distemper* (temporary disorder of the mind) – hárlok
- distend the eyelid (as sign of derision) – pikt
- distend the eyelid? (open wide the eye) – bulikat
- distend the wound – bukiki, wiwi
- distinguishing mark – tanda, ihanan
- distraught (agitated in mind) – sipok
13 distraught (sad) – mosulób-on - distress (sorrow) – kaguól, kasakit, kasubó
- divergent strabismus (both eyes tum outward) – dulos, manókon.
Ani. libát, dulang (both eyes turn inward) - dizzy¹ (groggy)-alungaog, dung-dung
- dizzy² (tipsy) -lipong, ilong, iambiyod
- dole (grief) -subó, kasub-unan
- doleful (mourful) – gáb-kagul, musulüb-on uyámat
- dotage¹ (decrepit; useless) – ingó!
- dotage (second childhood) – aniguli
- dotage (senile)- angrango
- dotard (semile)- hungáwbungaw, angó-ango
- dour (sullen look) – divong. Syn. mád-ok, múgtak
- downcast (low in spirit) – masulib-on. Syr. Inigpoy, hungkag, mingioy sagan
- dress a wound’ (apply bandage) – daph
27 dress a wound” (clean a wound) – hánad, gingkas, - drooping eyelid (ptosis) hyong, hiloy
29 dropsy (abnormal accumulation of serons fluid) – bulantoy, tian - dropsy (a type of dropsy) – áray, alátay
- drug’ (addictive drug) – buligát, budigót, dróga (Sp.)
- drug² (medicine) -lambal, druga (Sp.)
- drunk intoxicate)- hubog, hilong, lango, bangóg. hútlok
- drunk (intoxicated by areca nu) – alan
- dullard (mentally dull) – kulungó. Syn. Inlá, búgo, bulók, bala
- dumb (mute) – amáng, máma
- dumb-wit (dull intellect) – búgó
- dunce (stupid ignorant person)- krudob. Syn, amáw, karrinto,
kanvanggol - dwarf’ (as person)-dapridapril, alipindak kulitóg, puitad, inána
(Sp:), unáno (Sp.) - dwarf (short legs only) – prad
- dwarfish (like a dwa:)-puriko, dapaldapalón, sugpoyón
- dwarfism (condition of arrested growth) pagkadapaldapál. Syn.
pagkaál-al, pagka-sugpoy - dying (about to die) – himatyon, himalátyon, tinga
- dying breath (about to die) – hingutes
- dysentery – dúdos, kalibáng og dugo. Syn. hibulos, habos
- dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) – bulósan
- dyspepsia (indigestion, painful digestion) – wala kallist, impátso (Sp.)
- dyspraxia (pathologically clumsy) – dupáw-og, dupalók, munó.
Syn. danghag, kumaw - earless (no ears) paw-ong, sinapingen, waday dahinggan, pahóng
- eat sparingly (for lack of food) -lagutom
- eat sparingly (no desire to eat) – tinitimi, ngunguti Syn puasa
- eburnation (bone having the hardness of ivory)- bukgiring
- eccentric (different behavior) – balanggunó, kamukimong
- ecchymosis (contusion) – bin-og punok, pangog. Syn. alálom
- ecesis (adjustment to new environment) -úda, bánsor, paandayon,
paandayon sa kalkopan, Syn. pazined - echolalia (senseless repetition of words) sobát-yarwit. Syn. tagawtaw
- eclampsia (convulsive fit) – tupay, sawan. Syn kutang
- ecthyma (kind of virus disease) – iksima
- ectople (not properly placed) wnia mahihma
- ectostosis (scab)- kugán, bungkól, kúbal
- eczema (skin disease) – kagid, iksina (Eng.)
- edacious (voracious, given to eating) bugari, barhahúákon, palakaón, surabán. Syn burdbog
- edacity (gluttony)- buihákon, kalis, kalaóg, hingaon
- edema (swelling) – húpong, burot. Ant. kiyos, kupós
- edematous (bloat)- manghúpong, mamirot
- effete (no virility) – duas
- egghead (highbrow) – singkurongón. Syn. kurukintong
- egocentric -akó-akó, akó-akohón, padavég
- egoistic siyaninhon
- egotist (braggart) – kágà
- egotistic (selfish) – siyaúnhon
- emaciate (thin) bakig, kág-ang, balingkágas, kágas, haga, hail, higos, huyak, namióng, sagảng. Syn, daót, hugô, lunós, niwang, sápsing, sálot, sawót, tángsà, yagpis.
- emasculate¹ (castrate) hibúto, hibút-an, kapón. Ant. kátli, katlian
- emasculate² (deprive of vigor) – pahagå, paluyát
- embolism (stopping of a vein or artery by an embolus) – nabará (Sp.), nasap-ongan, nasampongán
- embolus (something that obstruct a blood vessel) – bará (Sp.), sámpong, nakasampong, sáp ong
- emetic (can produce vomiting) makadigwà, makapadigwà, makasúka, makapasúka
- emphysema (distention due to air) – bútod. Syn, sándak, húpong, búrot
- empty stomach (as when fasting) – lagútoy. Syn. kutoy, háw-ang