Bohol Tribune


Ni: Jes B. Tirol

Panglot Nga Diyotay 20, 2022

Mga Lugpong sa Sakit, Apán ug Balatian

(Terms for Diseases, Defects and Pains)

Ika-7 Bahin/ Part 7

Atong padayonon pagtala ang mga lugpong sa Binisaya alang sa mga sakit, apán, ug balatian nga nagsugod sa Ininglis nga “disembowel hangtod sa “empty stomach”.
Mga Lugpong

  1. disembowel (remove the intestine) – inig-o, Iniv.di
  2. disinfect (free from germs) – hikas, paghilo sa kagaw
  3. dislocate (as bone joints) – bilwa
  4. dissect¹ (cut)-ápit
  5. dissect¹ (open up) – pagbuliskad
  6. distemper (body illness) higwaós, hiwasa. Syn. alingása,
  7. kalaóg, hingaon
  8. edema (swelling) – húpong, burot. Ant. kiyos, kupós
  9. edematous (bloat)- manghúpong, mamirot
  10. effete (no virility) – duas
  11. egghead (highbrow) – singkurongón. Syn. kurukintong
  12. egocentric -akó-akó, akó-akohón, padavég
  13. egoistic siyaninhon
  14. egotist (braggart) – kágà
  15. egotistic (selfish) – siyaúnhon
  16. emaciate (thin) bakig, kág-ang, balingkágas, kágas, haga,
    hail, higos, huyak, namióng, sag-ảng. Syn, daót, hugô, lunós,
    niwang, sápsing, sálot, sawót, tángsà, yagpis.
  17. emasculate¹ (castrate) hibúto, hibút-an, kapón. Ant. kátli,
  18. emasculate² (deprive of vigor) – pahagå, paluyát
  19. embolism (stopping of a vein or artery by an embolus) – nabará
    (Sp.), nasap-ongan, nasampongán
  20. embolus (something that obstruct a blood vessel) – bará (Sp.),
    sámpong, nakasampong, sáp ong
  21. emetic (can produce vomiting) makadigwà, makapadigwà,
    makasúka, makapasúka
  22. emphysema (distention due to air) – bútod. Syn, sándak, húpong,
  23. empty stomach (as when fasting) – lagútoy. Syn. kutoy, háw-ang
  24. alindasay
  25. distemper* (temporary disorder of the mind) – hárlok
  26. distend the eyelid (as sign of derision) – pikt
  27. distend the eyelid? (open wide the eye) – bulikat
  28. distend the wound – bukiki, wiwi
  29. distinguishing mark – tanda, ihanan
  30. distraught (agitated in mind) – sipok
    13 distraught (sad) – mosulób-on
  31. distress (sorrow) – kaguól, kasakit, kasubó
  32. divergent strabismus (both eyes tum outward) – dulos, manókon.
    Ani. libát, dulang (both eyes turn inward)
  33. dizzy¹ (groggy)-alungaog, dung-dung
  34. dizzy² (tipsy) -lipong, ilong, iambiyod
  35. dole (grief) -subó, kasub-unan
  36. doleful (mourful) – gáb-kagul, musulüb-on uyámat
  37. dotage¹ (decrepit; useless) – ingó!
  38. dotage (second childhood) – aniguli
  39. dotage (senile)- angrango
  40. dotard (semile)- hungáwbungaw, angó-ango
  41. dour (sullen look) – divong. Syn. mád-ok, múgtak
  42. downcast (low in spirit) – masulib-on. Syr. Inigpoy, hungkag, mingioy sagan
  43. dress a wound’ (apply bandage) – daph
    27 dress a wound” (clean a wound) – hánad, gingkas,
  44. drooping eyelid (ptosis) hyong, hiloy
    29 dropsy (abnormal accumulation of serons fluid) – bulantoy, tian
  45. dropsy (a type of dropsy) – áray, alátay
  46. drug’ (addictive drug) – buligát, budigót, dróga (Sp.)
  47. drug² (medicine) -lambal, druga (Sp.)
  48. drunk intoxicate)- hubog, hilong, lango, bangóg. hútlok
  49. drunk (intoxicated by areca nu) – alan
  50. dullard (mentally dull) – kulungó. Syn. Inlá, búgo, bulók, bala
  51. dumb (mute) – amáng, máma
  52. dumb-wit (dull intellect) – búgó
  53. dunce (stupid ignorant person)- krudob. Syn, amáw, karrinto,
  54. dwarf’ (as person)-dapridapril, alipindak kulitóg, puitad, inána
    (Sp:), unáno (Sp.)
  55. dwarf (short legs only) – prad
  56. dwarfish (like a dwa:)-puriko, dapaldapalón, sugpoyón
  57. dwarfism (condition of arrested growth) pagkadapaldapál. Syn.
    pagkaál-al, pagka-sugpoy
  58. dying (about to die) – himatyon, himalátyon, tinga
  59. dying breath (about to die) – hingutes
  60. dysentery – dúdos, kalibáng og dugo. Syn. hibulos, habos
  61. dysmenorrhea (painful menstruation) – bulósan
  62. dyspepsia (indigestion, painful digestion) – wala kallist, impátso (Sp.)
  63. dyspraxia (pathologically clumsy) – dupáw-og, dupalók, munó.
    Syn. danghag, kumaw
  64. earless (no ears) paw-ong, sinapingen, waday dahinggan, pahóng
  1. eat sparingly (for lack of food) -lagutom
  2. eat sparingly (no desire to eat) – tinitimi, ngunguti Syn puasa
  3. eburnation (bone having the hardness of ivory)- bukgiring
  4. eccentric (different behavior) – balanggunó, kamukimong
  5. ecchymosis (contusion) – bin-og punok, pangog. Syn. alálom
  6. ecesis (adjustment to new environment) -úda, bánsor, paandayon,
    paandayon sa kalkopan, Syn. pazined
  7. echolalia (senseless repetition of words) sobát-yarwit. Syn. tagawtaw
  1. eclampsia (convulsive fit) – tupay, sawan. Syn kutang
  2. ecthyma (kind of virus disease) – iksima
  3. ectople (not properly placed) wnia mahihma
  4. ectostosis (scab)- kugán, bungkól, kúbal
  5. eczema (skin disease) – kagid, iksina (Eng.)
  6. edacious (voracious, given to eating) bugari, barhahúákon, palakaón, surabán. Syn burdbog
  7. edacity (gluttony)- buihákon, kalis, kalaóg, hingaon
  1. edema (swelling) – húpong, burot. Ant. kiyos, kupós
  2. edematous (bloat)- manghúpong, mamirot
  3. effete (no virility) – duas
  4. egghead (highbrow) – singkurongón. Syn. kurukintong
  5. egocentric -akó-akó, akó-akohón, padavég
  6. egoistic siyaninhon
  7. egotist (braggart) – kágà
  8. egotistic (selfish) – siyaúnhon
  9. emaciate (thin) bakig, kág-ang, balingkágas, kágas, haga, hail, higos, huyak, namióng, sagảng. Syn, daót, hugô, lunós, niwang, sápsing, sálot, sawót, tángsà, yagpis.
  10. emasculate¹ (castrate) hibúto, hibút-an, kapón. Ant. kátli, katlian
  11. emasculate² (deprive of vigor) – pahagå, paluyát
  12. embolism (stopping of a vein or artery by an embolus) – nabará (Sp.), nasap-ongan, nasampongán
  13. embolus (something that obstruct a blood vessel) – bará (Sp.), sámpong, nakasampong, sáp ong
  14. emetic (can produce vomiting) makadigwà, makapadigwà, makasúka, makapasúka
  15. emphysema (distention due to air) – bútod. Syn, sándak, húpong, búrot
  16. empty stomach (as when fasting) – lagútoy. Syn. kutoy, háw-ang

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