by Donald Sevilla
In an age where self-love and personal gratification are foremost in people’s minds, care and concern for others are the least in our order of priorities.
Our values reflect the way we interact with people and determine how we go about our day to day affairs. In the world of politics where men compete to lead, public service requires that self-interest be set aside in favor of the greater good.
Noble as it may sound, this is not often the case. When wielding power and influence we have a tendency to forget the noble tenets of leadership and public office. Lines become blurred and we end up eaten by a system rotten to the core.
While we are in difficult times and have yet to recover from the devastating effects of covid’s lockdowns and natural disasters, our leaders sometimes forget to alleviate the plight of our people.
While our people suffer and wallow in hardship, they fail to empathize and feel their pain.
The purchase of brand new top of the line pickup trucks for our lawmakers could never have come at a right time. When the past administration opted to do the same, critics howled in protest to block it. Now that the reins of power have changed hands, the same vocal opposition are singing to high heavens defending the purchase.
Talk about a a double standard of morality and ethics! While it may seem necessary considering that capitol service vehicles are dilapidated, the truth of the matter is that there is no law mandating taxpayers’ to provide for our lawmakers’ transportation. Our public servants are by no means poor, better off than the average citizen they purportedly serve.
While it has become a standard practice from administrations past during abundant times which may not be illegal, is it moral? Knowing the difficult times we”re in, our leaders could very well make sacrifices like everyone else and show respect for our people’s misery.
But it appears not to be the case. By going ahead with the purchase, it looks like public interest has taken a backseat. Yet assuming for a moment that such is indeed necessary, can”t our lawmakers simply choose a cheaper vehicle not a 4×4 that serves the same purpose?
While the pickup’s engine displacement may not fall under the category classified as luxurious by DILG standards the fact that it is an expensive, top of the line model for NiSSAN pickups is something worth looking into.
Luxury may be defined differently by government standards but in the eyes of the public where not everyone can ride a car, what could be more luxurious than a 4×4 pickup?
To add insult to injury can our lawmakers conscientiously go about their business in air conditioned comfort oblivious to our people who have lost homes deprived of the basic human needs? We all know our government is badly in need of funds to cater to its mandate and here we are not knowing how to curtail our spending habits!
The subject is a good topic for debate and discussion in any fora, but regardless of political color, the bitter reality that we are in hard times, stares us in the eye.
Yet genuine public service is hard to come by. More so to emulate and live by.When most everyone is tightening their belts and coming to grips with reality, our leaders appear to spend freely and live comfortably. Empathy where art thou?