Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In


by Donald Sevilla

Recent outburst caught on video and trending in social media show what appears to be an intoxicated staunch supporter of the present capitol administration expressing dismay over alleged irregularities committed by a fellow supporter in stark contrast to the “squeaky clean image” peddled around by their media and propaganda machinery. 

What happened cannot simply be dismissed and swept under the rug for it speaks volumes of the state of frustration among people from their camp. While disagreements and misunderstanding cannot be avoided even among the most loyal of supporters, it reflects the expectations and state of mind of people who share a political cause. What was seen and heard in the video was both revealing and intriguing. 

Our local gubernatorial election was hotly contested, marked by vicious propaganda from both sides. It showed the ugly side of our politics one we are all too familiar with. It was emotional and highly charged and reflects the sentiments of a people wedged by a political divide. 

Yet to the innocent observer, such display of emotional outburst in the public plaza was a candid, unscripted manifestation of dismay at expectations not met. Triggered perhaps by alcohol, it shows the repressed emotions and hidden grudges inside a loyal political follower’s heart, buried under a facade of victorious euphoria. 

People tend to share and openly talk about secrets when under the influence. Alcohol encourages people to break free from their inhibitions and emboldens them to do things they would not do otherwise if sober. 

This only shows that what is carefully hidden and guarded can be let loose by the right trigger. Candor and honesty will show, hence the expression “In wine there is truth.” 

While we can come up with different theories and speculations why it happened, there is no escaping the fact that indeed it could open a pandora’s box. Political pundits can only watch with bated breath what may happen next. 

The incident caught everyone, friend and foe by surprise. Yet clearly it was not a figment of intrigue nor a misinformation concocted by skillful manipulators. It was bitter, naked sentiment in an unguarded moment of truth.

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