by Donald Sevilla
People tend to bask in the limelight. We love the flattery and adulation and revel in the attention we can get. We relish the feeling of euphoria for each fleeting moment in the spotlight.
This explains why people want to be famous rather than be obscure. We’d rather be remembered than forgotten.
Such is human nature that fame becomes addictive. We do things to stand out from others in a crowd. Yet, beneath this rosy facade we could be more lonely and isolated.
Some, despite their fame and fortune, feel empty and lost. Without meaning and purpose our lives matter not.
Thus we must live to learn and set our goals. We must come to know how to make our lives happy and bright. We must learn how to love the simple joys of life.
For no matter how far we stretch and challenge ourselves, without contentment we can never have enough.
Happiness eludes us when we are never satisfied. When this happens we become miserable and sad.
Hence we must live each day as though it were our last. We must live to make it matter more to others than to ourselves. Live it unselfishly and inspiringly that when we pass this world, we shall have left a legacy!