Top pulmonologist clears air on TB
Top pulmonologist, Dr. Brian Cepedoza, cleared the air on tuberculosis.
He said people with TB should be religious in their treatment regimen which usually lasts for 6 months.
There have been studies saying that the TB bacteria return and cause s problem if the treatment only lasts below 6 months.
It is important that the treatment is followed closely to prevent the bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. If the TB bacteria return there is a possibility that a stronger antibiotic will be taken because normal drugs are no longer effective.
Moreover, TB can also affect other organs in the body, not just the lungs. The lungs are susceptible to catching the TB-causing bacteria because such is often airborne.
There is no known reason why people with TB suffer from high fever during afternoons as the doctor said that there are many unknowns in medicine.
If you suspect that you have TB, please reach out to the nearest health center as treatments are free. The patient should be religious in taking the medicine.
TB is already endemic and there are cures available for the patients, the doctor said in his interview.