Things to Know About Arthritis Care (Part 3)
There are certain diseases which your rheumatologist can help you with.
Stenosing tenosynovitis or “trigger finger” involves inflammation of the sheaths of the flexor digitorum tendons.
This is mostly seen in those who tend to overuse their hands. It may be also linked with osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis of the hands.
De Quervain’s tenosynovitis frequently results from repetitive activity of the thumb and wrist.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common cause of paresthesias in the hands, involving compression of the median nerve through the osseous fibrous carpal tunnel.
The so-called “tennis elbow” is a common condition in those who overuse their arms.
Shoulder pain is a common musculoskeletal complaint. Arthritis of the shoulder is rare, and shoulder pain is most likely due to involvement of any of the numerous structures.
Frequently, multiple conditions may be present in the same shoulder.
Several soft tissue structures surrounding the knee joint are potential sources of pain. Tendinitis and bursitis are commonly seen in association with rheumatic disease.
Ankle and foot pain syndromes usually result from trauma, being overweight, athletic overactivity, or improperly fitting shoes.