Top pulmonologist says Covid is already part of our lives
Top pulmonologist Dr. Bryan Cepedoza says the Coronavirus disease (Covid) has become part of our lives and is here to stay.
He said this during a radio interview over Newsmakers ug Uban Pa on Jan. 17, 2023 hosted by Ardy Araneta-Batoy and Dave Albarado.
The doctor said that there is nothing to worry about Covid for people who are vaccinated.
He said that people who are vaccinated should not worry about Covid as infections fir them will be mild and will not lead to fatalities.
However, Cepedoza said that it is still important to make sure that the immune system is healthy by getting proper nutrition and exercise. Having great immune system can help people cope well with having Covid around.
At the same time, Cepedoza continued, it would help if people continue to observe the health and safety protocol to lower the risks of getting infected with Covid.
Our situation now is different from the time we were at the height of the pandemic. It us because Covid infection nowadays is not as critical as before. It is then imperative to learn having the virus around and how to deal with it.
There will come a time, the doctor said, when a Covid infection will be treated like the way we treat flu or the common cold.
In an earlier interview, the doctor mentioned the bivalent Covid vaccines.
The health authorities in the country are getting ready to roll out the bivalent vaccines which consist of the original variant and other variants to provide better protection and wider coverage of protection against the disease.
It is also possible, the doctor said, that Covid vaccines may also be given annually just like the flu if the virus keeps on mutating. The updated vaccines against mutated virus provide better protection and will keep people from hospitalizations, he said.
There is a huge possibility for the Covid virus to mutate into a benign form and provide an insignificant health risk to the population.