Hematuria refers to the presence of red blood cells in the urine which can either be seen grossly or through the microscope.
The common causes of gross hematuria in children are the following:
– documented urinary tract infection
– suspected urinary tract infection
– perineal irritation
– meatal stenosis with ulcer
– trauma
– acute nephritis
– coagulopathy
– presence of stones
The color of the urine in gross hematuria could be colored tea, coke or very bright red depending upon urinary ph, specific gravity and protein content.
On the other hand, the common causes of microscopic hematuria in the pediatric age group are the following:
– exercise when done vigorously
– fever
– pyrogens
– hypercatabolism
– upper respiratory tract infection in apparently healthy children
Other causes of hematuria in children that warrant investigation are:
– renal tubulointerstitial and renovascular problems
– renal tuberculosis
– tumors
– obstructive uropathy
– congenital anomalies
– and trauma.