Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In

by Donald Sevilla


That no one is perfect is beyond contention and a cliche. As we live in a society together with other people, normally we try to get along as harmoniously as we could.

Yet, no matter what we do, sometimes there are those who are bound to clash with us. Despite staying in our lanes there are those who navigate recklessly to test our sensibilities and our patience.

But instead of allowing them to disturb and ruin our existence, let us try to understand why they have become the way they are. It may sound hypocritical and contrary to human nature but this simple gesture could set the difference between being consumed by hate and vengeance and being freely at peace.

While it is not easy, it is healthy for our well-being and makes the aggressor more miserable.

To begin with, most of our hangups and character are molded from childhood. It goes way back into our past. A difficult person could very well be a combination of various personalities that blended together to shape his persona.

1. MAMA’S BOY – refers to ” a boy excessively attached to his mother; lacking normal masculine interests; a male who has a very close bond with his mother, and may consequently be perceived as soft or effeminate.

The clinical term for mama’s boy is Passive-Aggressive Personality. To compensate for this, a child could display a strong and aggressive behavior that he carries well into adulthood. “This manifests strongly when a deep-seated trauma has taken place such as the loss of his mother that he has not gotten over.

2. EGOTIST – ” a person who is excessively conceited or self-absorbed; a self-seeker.” One who thinks so highly of himself and no other. synonym: NARCISSIST

3.MEGALOMANIAC –  ” a person who has delusions of grandeur, marked by feelings of personal omnipotence; obsession with the exercise of power especially to dominate others.”

4. MESSIANIC SYNDROME :  ” A state of mind in which an individual believes that he is responsible for saving or assisting others. It’s associated with grandiosity, or having grandiose ideas about oneself. It happens when someone has an exaggerated sense of his importance, power, or identity. Often closely linked to narcissism,  people may try to play savior for more self-serving reasons such as a desire for praise, power, or a sense of self-worth where they can feel special, justified and uncompromised. “

5.SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS – ” having or characterized by a certainty, especially an unfounded one, that one is totally correct or morally superior.”

6. LOOSE CANNON – ” a dangerously uncontrollable person or thing. A loose cannon is someone who behaves unpredictably and recklessly, often in a way that puts others at risk or negatively affects what they’re trying to do.”

All of the above factors together, make for a dangerous mix resulting to an explosive personality, unwavering and headstrong. Yet it is not someone we want to be. When we meet people who exhibit these types of behavior  let us not be offended but try to be more understanding.

They deserve our pity not our condemnation!

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