Ni: Jes B. Tirol
DaghangKahoy 26, 2023
Bulan Sa Alámpat ug Diyúndi
(Arts Month)
Ang Bayábay sa Pamunò Nasod Isip-683 (Presidential Proclamation No. 683) nagtumbok sa bulan sa Daghangkáhoy (February) nga maoy bulan alang sa pagsaúlog sa Alámpat ug Diyundi
Ang pulong “Art” sa Ininglis, mabahin sa duha ka kahulogán. Ang art nga nagkahulogan og katahóman (aesthetic) mao ang gitawag og “Diyúndi” sa Sinugboánon nga Binisayâ. Ang “Art” sa Ininglis nga nagkahulogan og kahanás o pamaági, mao ang “Alámpat” sa Sinugboanón.
Kining maong duha ka mga pulong nahisakóp sa pulong nga “Halaman (culture)”. Ang halaman mao ang budaya (patrimony) nga buot nátò nga dili hikalimtan ug angayan gayod nga atong hinumdomán tungod kay mao kini ang nakapahimo natong linain kun itandi sa ubang katawhan.
Mga Pulong
Ang atong halaman aduna nay daghang mga pulong nga namúgnà nga angay natong ikapasigarbo tungod kay kining maong mga pulong atò man lang gayod sa atong kaugalingon nga pinulongan. Dili nátò matálà dinhi ang tanang mga pulong.
Mga Sapót (Attire)
1. cloth¹ (a woven fabric) – panápton, nuog
2. cloth² (cuttings of cloth) – tinábas, retáso (Sp.)
3. cloth³ (made of banana fibers) – ginamá
4. cloth⁴ (made of cotton) – lúmpot
5. cloth⁵ (made of magucy/ abaca) – ugpák
6. cloth⁶ (made of manila hemp) – gadás
7. cloth⁷ (made of pineapple fibers) – húsi, kámray, sinamáy
8. cloth⁸ (old cloth) – dumáy. Syn. nuog
9. cloth⁹ (thick cloth) – singpot
10. clothes¹ (apparel) – sininà, sapót, bísti (Sp.)
11. clothes² (borrowed clothes) – lákgok, mamanós
12. clothes³ (daily wear) – urán
13. clothes⁴ (uniform; used as working clothes) – tagdasán
14. clothes⁵ (used clothing) – nuog
15. clothes⁶ (working clothes) – saubsáob, lápat
16. dress a wound¹ (apply bandage) – dáplì
17. dress shop (where dresses are made)-tahiánan, sastreriya (Sp.)
18. dress up (wear elegant attire) – hipid
19. dress¹ (clothe) – sininà, sapót
20. dress² (decorate) – dayandáyan, dayandayanan
21. dress³ (gown) – prák (Sp.)
22. dress⁴ (put on clothes) – súl-ob, súl-ot, suot, súob
23. dress⁵ (trim; prune)-puóngan, kórte (Sp.), kortéhan (Sp.)
24. dresser (furniture for holding clothes) – hát-an, pangól. Syn. aparadór (Sp.)
25. dressing gown (negligee) – nipis
26. dressing room (room for changing clothes) – ilisánan, hipiránan. Syn. tokadór
27. dressing (act of putting on a dress) – magsul-ob, pagsul-ob, pagsininà
28. dressmaker (one who makes woman’s dress) – mananáhì, sástre (Sp.)
29. pants¹ (short pants up to mid-thigh) – ipók
30. pants² (short pants up to the knee) – puról
31. pants³ (short pants without slit; boxer shorts) – kampúpoy
32. pants⁴ (tight pants worn by acrobats and dancers) – sanyáwà
33. pants⁵ (trousers)- kalsónes (Sp.), saluwal, sawál, pantalón (Sp.)
34. panty; panty hose – habil
Mga Sáyaw (dances)
1. dance¹ (ballet dance) – tihintihin
2. dance² (barn dance) – sibáy. Syn. síklat
3. dance³ (based on “arnis” fighting moves) – kuradáng
4. dance⁴ (based on courtship sequence) – kurátsa
5. dance⁵ (belly dance) – burlis (Eng.)
6. dance⁶ (dance interpretation of a story) – kompársa (Sp.)
7. dance⁷ (dances in a row forming like a croco-dile; snake dance) – binuáya
8. dance⁸ (folkdance) – biyá-i
9. dance⁹ (formal dance or ball) – rigodón (Sp.), kotilyon
10. dance¹⁰ (mating dance of fowls) – birig
11. dance¹¹ (on tip-toe, as ballet) – tihin
12. dance¹² (on top the mouth of jars) – talók
13. dance¹³ (over bamboo stick) – tinikling
14. dance¹⁴ (same-sex partner) -pádang
15. dance¹⁵ (sing and dance) – salimog
16. dance¹⁶ (slow-drag dance) – sádsad; báyle (Sp.)
17. dance¹⁷ (song and dance with debate verses) – balitaw
18. dance¹⁸ (to dance round-and-round) – tióg
19. dance¹⁹ (to dance wildly) – wuswos
20. dance²⁰ (to jig) – sáot
21. dance²¹ (waltz dance) – kinonsehál (Sp.)
22. dance²² (with hands raised upwards) – gúboy
23. dance²³ (with partner) – sábay
24. dance²⁴ (without partner; general term for dance) – sáyaw
25. dance hall (place for dancing) – lawák sayawán, sayawánan, sayawán
26. dancer (one who dance) mananayáw, mananabáy, magsalabáy, magsasayáw, manalayáw
Mga Alak
1. beer (an alcoholic fermented beverage made from malt and hops) – serbésa (Sp.)
2. liquor¹ (alcoholic beverage) – álak. Syn. bino (Sp.)
3. liquor² (distilled spirits) – laksóy. pauróy. Syn. bahalina
4. liquor³ (mead; made from honey) – kabaráwan
5. whiskey; whisky (a kind of liquor)- wiski (Eng.). Syn. laksóy
6. wine¹ (bulí-palm) – gúhang
7. wine² (coconut) – tubâ, bahál, bahalina, inigot, pauróy
8. wine³ (grape) – tinto (Sp.)
9. wine⁴ (liquor) – álak, bíno (Sp.). Syn. bahál, bahalina, basi, kiláng, dalisay, dugisón,
gúhang, inigot, laksóy, lagsóy, lambanóg, pangasi, tinto (Sp.), tiláng, tubâ
10. wine⁵ (nipa-palm) – basí, lambanóg
11. wine⁶ (red wine) – tinto (Sp.)
12. wine⁷ (rice) – pangásì
13. wine⁸ (sugarcane; rum) – tiláng, kiláng