Bohol Tribune

From the Outside Looking In

by Donald Sevilla


That government should be of laws rather than of men is a tall order for a leadership seemingly bent on stifling criticism and persecuting political opposition in the guise of good governance. Branding critics as enemies of the people is a dangerous mindset peddled by dictators and Nazi propagandists. 

Hitler’s rise to power was characterized by the elimination of opposing schools of thought that consolidated his grip on German society and led to one of the most disastrous episodes in the annals of human history. 

While many noble purposes are paved with good intentions, the means to achieve it are sometimes questionable. We all want a peaceful and clean society but from whose eyes? 

Governance is a two -way street and harmonious governance is reciprocal. A vibrant democracy is defined by a healthy check and balance in our society.. 

Remember not any one person or group has a monopoly of all things good. Thinking likewise would lead to self-righteousness which means that apart from yourself, you see all others as enemies or stumbling blocks to your “noble goal”. 

This is the danger that can drive good men off the edge in their burning desire to change things as they see fit. Adolf Hitler started out as a charismatic leader with fiery speeches that roused crowds and look how it all ended. 

While politics is seen as dirty business, our methods are getting messier and deplorable. Winners shout for losers to move on and forward. But is this what we see? Bohol where are we going? 

Forward or backwards, our leadership plays a vital role in the establishment of a harmonious society. But politics or no politics we are who we are.

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