A time to reflect

The Holy Week is the best time to reflect on our relationship not only with family, friends, and relatives but most of all with the Lord Jesus Christ, who redeemed us from sin.
In our daily struggles in life, we tend to focus on things that are not important. We often forget that all of us are equal in the eyes of God as part of His beautiful creation.
We adorn ourselves with material and earthly things, like wearing the most expensive jewelry, while others suffer from hunger. We do everything to gain power in our endeavors to show that we are better versions of God’s creations.
In our quest to earn respect, we trample upon the rights of others, disregarding their dignity as a person.
In many instances, we pretend to be saints by mocking the sins of others.
As we celebrate the death and resurrection of Christ, we earnestly pray that our humility will prevail over our pride and that all men and women will be treated equally regardless of money and power.
We pray for inner peace as we accept that we have sinned and that it is only through the death of Jesus that our sins are forgiven.