A Question & Answer (Q & A) Session with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): What is one of the most common pulmonary diseases?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza (DBC): One of the most common pulmonary diseases is the respiratory tract infection. We also have pneumonia
TBT: It was declared recently in the province that, it is already okay if one does not wear the face mask if he/she wants to go to a tourist destination here. What can you say about this?
DBC: As a doctor, I still advise that we wear the face mask especially if the person is not vaccinated. This is because covid is still here. It is okay not to wear the mask in outdoor places on one condition: that the place doesn’t have a lot of people. If I were to be asked, I would still prefer to wear a face mask.
TBT: Is covid still here, Dr. Bryan?
DBC: Covid is still here now but those who are infected with the virus are not as many as those who had it before. The covid infection now is milder as compared to the one we had before.
TBT: Is it sage to say now that covid infection could be treated like the ordinary flu?
DBC: Not really. If you compare covid with flu, the former is more contagious than the latter. And the mortality due to covid infection is higher that flu.
TBT: So, would you say Dr. Bryan that as of now, covid infection can still cause deaths?
DBC: Yes! Covid can still cause death especially to those who have comorbidities like diabetes, heart disease, etc.
TBT: What is the difference between asthma and bronchitis Dr. Bryan?
DBC: The symptoms of bronchitis are almost similar to the symptoms of asthma. Both can have cough. Both of them can also cause difficulty in breathing. Bronchitis can be caused by a viral infection while asthma is through genetics. There are 2 kinds of bronchitis: acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis. The most common cause of chronic bronchitis is what is called as COPD – chronic obstructive polmunary disease.
TBT: What is COPD all about?DBC: Chronic obstructive polmunary is a chronic irritation of our airway which later can lead to bronchitis. That is what we call as chronic bronchitis. Acute bronchitis is an inflammation of the airway especially if a person has inhaled something from a polluted area. This situation could lead to a person’s coughing. Asthma, on the other hand, affects not only the airway but also the entire lungs including what we call as the alveoli. (To be continued)