by Donald Sevilla
Justice delayed is justice denied so we say.Yet one of the greatest travesties of justice is its miscarriage. When we condemn an innocent person without thoroughly ascertaining the facts, we are abrogating unto ourselves the roles of judge, jury and executioner.
A person is presumed innocent in our laws until proven guilty. But often in our urge to ruin
another, we resort to a “public humiliation or conviction” through a trial by publicity. This is usually the case in our politics where sometimes the rule of law is set aside to favor emotion, where propaganda overshadow facts.
Sad as it is, it reveals the true nature of our hypocrisy. In our ardent desire for power and influence
we couldn’t care less.The end justifies the means as is evident in the many cases of political squabbling and conflict all over the land that end up having deadly consequences.
While not anyone of us is immaculate and without sin, it is also not right to strut around, proudly
professing our ascendancy over others, monopolizing truth and goodness.
Hence we must not be swayed and misled by the loud voices that echo above the rest. Sometimes
the silence of the lambs is deep and insightful. We must not be carried away by glib talk through repetitive mind conditioning.
The greatest injustice of all lies in not being true to ourselves.When we allow outside influences
to takeover our mindsets and judgment hastily, we are surrendering our ability to discern and weigh things reasonably.
These result to haphazard conclusions and preconceived notions about others. Biases form and
cloud our judgment which make it difficult to move on and accept the truth that goes against what we were led to believe.
We cannot keep on crucifying the innocent and proclaim that we are crusaders of justice and the truth!