by Donald Sevilla
While Rome was beset with problems that threatened its empire, the Emperor entertained the people by a clever distraction of games at the arena.This gave rise to the gladiators at the Colosseum and fostered a circus-like atmosphere of festivities.
Clever politicians resort to clever methods to distract the populace away from the pressing problems of the day. To keep the people happy and entertained, we resort to all sorts of activities to keep them busy and shift attention away from the affairs of governance.
Our modern day politics is no different. When you have nothing concrete to show and no solid programs to anchor governance on, the best way to keep the public from being restless is to get them occupied with other things.
But come to think of it, this is no different from the tactics used by squid to evade and confuse its enemies. In short it is a clever way to create a smokescreen to cover up one’s shortcomings and inadequacies.
Shifting blame away from oneself unto another is the easiest way to get out of a tight spot. Squid are clever creatures and politicians are no different.
While we appreciate sports development as a means to improve our well-being, it cannot be the centerpiece of one’s governance. The way things are, we are hounded by bigger and pressing problems.
The test of true leadership is in one’s ability to effectively deliver services to the people. Public servants are judged according to how well they have improved our lives.
Yet, for the most part we are easily distracted. We lose sight of the forest when we are focused on the trees.We forget our empty stomachs when we are temporarily high and euphoric.
Let the hunger games begin!