For APRIL 30, 2023—-
A Question & Answer Session with Dr. Bryan Cepedoza
(Part 5)
The Bohol Tribune (TBT): We are done with our
discussion of sleep apnea doc. I am sure you will be
amused with the next question phoned in by a listener. The
question is: “I have false teeth (dentures) up and down. Do i
have to detach them when I go to sleep?
Dr. Bryan Cepedoza (DBC): If the dentures are small and
are a bit loose in fitting, it is advisable that we detach these
when we go to sleep.
TBT: But if the dentures are just right in size and fit to a t?
DBC: So, if the dentures are just right in size and fit to a t,
you don’t have to detach these.
TBT: Here is another question, Dr. Bryan. This is from a
patient undergoing dialysis. He is asking: “If I am
undergoing dialysis, does it mean to say, I will be on dialysis
for the rest of my life?
DBC: It depends on the cause why he is on dialysis. For
example, if a person has loose bowel movement now and is
almost dehydrated, we have to realize that our kidneys are
sensitive when water in the body is very low. In this case, in
order to protect the person’s kidneys, he has to undergo
TBT: Is that so?
DBC: Yes. But after several weeks of dialysis, and after the
person is cured of his loose bowel movement, the dialysis
could be stopped.
TBT: When is dialysis conducted forever?
DBC: For example, if the person has diabetes and has been
suffering from this ailment for a long period of time, then, he
has to undergo dialysis for the rest of his life.
TBT: I see.
DBC: What do I mean? We doctors will determine the
parameters before we decide if the patient has to stop the
dialysis or has to undergo the dialysis for as long as he
TBT: Is dialysis a form of medication? Is it a form of
cleansing of the kidneys?
DBC: The process called dialysis is like performing the role
of articial kidneys. This is like the artificial kidney that cleans
our body and filters our blood to excrete the toxins
TBT: So what is the definition of the procedure called
DBC: Dialysis is a procedure to remove waste products and
excess fluid from the blood when the kidneys stop working
properly. It often involves diverting blood to a machine to be
TBT: What are some of the signs that a person needs
DBC: The National Kidney Foundation guidelines
recommend that a person has to start dialysis when his
kidney function drops to 15% or less; or, if he has severe
symptoms caused by his kidney disease, such as shortness
of breath, fatigue, muscle cramps, nausea or vomiting.
TBT: How would a person know that his kidneys are okay?
DBC: A urine test to look for kidney damage and a blood
test to measure how well the kidneys are working, are good
ways to find out if the kdineys are functioning well.
TBT: What is best to be done, Dr. Bryan, when a person
feels there is something wrong with his kidneys?
DBC: I would advise that people should have a regular
medical check up for him to be safe and to feel safe.
(To be continued)