Bohol Tribune

Medical Insider – Dr. Cora E. Lim

Medical Insider
Dr. Cora Lim
For APRIL 30 2023

Applied Rheumatology Made Simple (A.R.M.S.)

(Part 5)

Let us now discuss the topic on OSTEOARTHRITIS. This is a
common subject matter being tackled by many.
Osteoarthritis Generalities:
We have listed below some generalities about osteoarthritis. The
list includes:

Osteoarthritis of the hands typically present as Heberden’s and
Bouchard’s nodes. These are more likely to cause cosmetic
rather than functional impairment.
Management of Osteoarthritis:
The non-pharmacologic management of osteoarthritis includes
the following:
 Heat and cold treatments
 Jooint protection (e.g. weight reduction, orthotics, assistive
 Exercises e.g. isometrics. Stationary cycling
The pharmacologic management of osteoarthritis includes the
 Analgesic
 systemic and topical
 Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (especially specific
COX-2 inhibitors)
 Intra-articular steroid
 Intra-articular hyaluronate
 Disease-modifying drugs
Management of Knee OA
The management of Knee OA includes the following:
 Non-pharmacologic modalities
 Considering aspiration of Pee joint & intra-articular steroids
 Acetaminophen; if necessary, add capsaicin cream
 If inadequate. use low-dose ibuprofen or non-acetylated
 If inadequate, use full-dose NSAID with gastric protectants
 If inadequate, joint lavage. or PY licker) st debridement
 If inadequate, surgery
Some of the exercise considerations of Hip or Knee

 Maintain proper weight
 Maintain range of motion and flexibility
 Exercise in water, on a bicycle or a rowing machine
 Alternate weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing activities
 Use cane on contralateral side
Some of the exercise considerations in Hip or Knee
 Do not carry loads more than 10% body weight
 Minimize use of stairs, one-legged stance, low seating
 Walking speed should not exacerbate joint symptoms
 Select shoes and insoles for shock attenuation
 Warm-up prior to walking exercise
In our next issue, we will discuss the following topics: spectrum
gout, gouty arthritis generalities, gout associated factors,
treatment of gout, gout and diet, heperuricemia, monoarthritis, the
septic joint, and the arthritis-rash syndromes,

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